What can I say. I played the demo for 25 minutes, which was about 20 minutes too long, in the hope that it would improve. The graphics aren't that good and the storyline didn't grab me. I think, having just played the latest 'Surface' (which are all amazing), that I have become a little spoilt!
I played the demo in 50 minutes, withough skipping anything or needing to use a hint. The puzzles were not challenging enough although the hogs were more unusual. The storyline was good and I enjoyed it but I suspect as I had already collected over a quarter of the cards that the game is going to be very short. Might well try it as a SE as it was fun.
I played the demo for just under an hour at intermediate. There are very few helpful messages - you are really on your own here. I found that the lack of them meant that I was either using everything in my inventory - because I had no idea what to do - or having to use the guide to help - ruined my enjoyment of the game. Having said that, the mini games are unusual and were fun and challenging. I changed to the easy setting to see if it would help but it made no difference. So as I said at the beginning, perhaps I am just having an 'off' day, but I won't be buying.
I have to agree with most of the other comments. It turned out to be a really bad buy. There are so many different locations with so many different things to do that are reliant on collecting bits from other locations - with no help at all from the map - that I have now given up. And I don't think my memory is that bad! I don't enjoy playing a game where I constantly have to use the Strategy Guide just to work out where to go next.
Your librarian friend wants your help as a journalist – he’s found an ancient book that is still unfinished. Can you save the world in the book before their story ends?
Just played the demo. Great storyline and wonderful graphics. Not particularly challenging mini games so far but not the usual fare either and a slightly different format for the HOPs . A lovely game to play that makes me smile.
I agree with most of the previous reviews, in that the graphics are well done. However I was not overly impressed with the game itself , the storyline or the challenge. The main problem for me is that I cannot abide games that give me points for collecting items - it reminds me of arcade games and makes the game feel incredibly childish - so a definite thumbs down.
This is different from most games in that you play the two main characters, switching between them. The mini games are also different from the norm although not overly challenging. (i've only played the demo). Various bits to collect as you go through. Good, clear graphics. Great to play an unusual set up.
Postitives: Yes, the graphics are great. There are collectables, which I enjoy. But I am afraid that I found the dialogue irritating and over long - simply holding up the action, and the cut scenes, giving the background to the story, felt like padding. The HOGs and games were too easy - I kept getting 'achievements' for completing a HOG in less than three minutes. So I won't be buying.