I was very excited about the new Clutter game and during my trial period I found new variations I loved and that it was different clutter items, which I also loved. However, after purchasing the game and spending more time with it, I discovered some downsides.
Upside: New Variations and Variations within Variations
Downside: It's actually a lot of repetition with same variations on each game.
Upside: New Clutter items from what I had seen (only ever played Infinity previously)
Downside: However, it is the same 8 types of clutter over and over and over again. And omg I am so tired of hats. I wish I had noticed that the new clutter items were repeated over and over again before I purchased the game. They don't even change much for the Stockpile Challenges.
Upside: Found new favorites in Clutter Mahjong, Mirror Mirror, Rack 'em, and Circles Lines & Flats . I love them.
Downside: What happened to Treadmills? That is my all-time favorite variation. What happened to Negative Thinking and Dark & Light? I was hoping for variations with these just like you did with the Fuzzies.
I realize you don't want every game to be the same, so I understand some variations changed. However, I was really looking for more various clutter items. I feel like that went downhill. I like to switch items between each and every game I play and it is getting repetitive and it's only been a couple of weeks. I would really prefer a lot more clutter items in one game.
I think I would've preferred to purchased Clutter 1000 if I had realized it had come out after Infinity. It looks like there are different items on it compared to Infinity and Xtreme. Is there a way to be notified when a new Clutter game is available? I need that for sure.