I really enjoyed BKR 1 & 2, but this one lost everything that was fun, and I don't get it why I game which was released in 2012 still uses a 800x600 resolution ! And I'm not even able to change it... More than that, it's continuously stuttering on my 64-bit OS. But BKR2 works well, so I guess you guys are going back in time? There's no level editor at all... I REALLY DISLIKE THIS GAME
I enjoyed replaying these levels of excitement, this time in HD, but unfortunately most of the levels were looking better in the original version of the game. Almost half of them lost their charm because many of the textures and colours were removed to make this game "HD" Plus, there are levels which have got major bugs, like Hall of the Apis Bull, which backround is pixelated. Stage 10-7, for example, has got a spawn point bug for those who use a 16:9 resolution. But yeah, it's a pretty nice game if you don't notice every problem of this game.
I played through this game twice, on Normal Difficulty Level, then on Expert Difficulty and lost NO LIFE. I mean, OK, I really appreciate it can be played by beginner players, but they should choose Easy (Casual) only if they want to die. I tried to play on Easy and I got bored after 2 levels because the spheres are moving too slow... I cannot say anything bad about the graphics, they're really high definition, but when I try to select a 16:9 resolution, there are two black bars on the screen, which is really annoying. Not only the slow motion, but the music also makes this game a little boring, and the sphere is centered wrong on the winged shooter. But, after all, IT'S A GOOD GAME to play once.
Even if i really enjoyed playing this game in the past, I'M NOT ABLE TO RUN IT ANYMORE . It says "Range check error", and I guess MumboJumbo could update this game for 64-bit or at least to create an alternative version for newer OS.