I lused to love these Park Ranger games but 16 iterations of the same thing is getting old. I used to enjoy these particular games because the boards weren't excessively cluttered and the objects were sufficiently contrasted that they didn't blend into the background. Not so much any more. The boards are excessively crowded which makes objects difficult to find because of all the "noise" on the screen. To much distraction. Also, the developer is just rehashing the same old scenes/screens/puzzles of the last 15 releases, with a couple of new puzzles thrown in so they could say they did something to justify a new release and more revenue I suppose. It doesn't work. If the developer can't be bothered to create new content, I can't be bothered to give up my hard earned cash. I'll just replay the old games that I've already brought that have the exact same content. The only thing that changes is the conversation between the rangers.