It's is a 2 star at best but I gave it three for at least making the characters move quickly instead of plod as in so many TM games. Story line is minimal. But the biggest objection I have is the dialogs that pop-up and can't be skipped or closed are irritating. They should be able to be closed at least after reading. And they are large and block access to game play at time. Very distracting to game play. Plus there is no challenge if you are led around by the nose with green lights on what must be done next.
Same old go-for-the-gold cards game. For me that is not a true solitaire. Tacky graphics and much of the music is quite irritating so turn down volume. Pass on this one.
Big fan of time management games but this one has very rough animation and each activity has a longer than average count down. What's worse - the music will drive you totally bonkers!! Standard story line - impending evil - so princess is sent out to save them all. The villages must be salvaged and rebuilt on the road to stop the evil wizard. No auto collect of resources slow play even further.
Minimal story line. Very slow progress because so many clicks are required to accomplish anything and everything costs money. To get money your have to plant, water, wait, harvest, mill, wait more, and then sell. And so much time is wasted moving from one activity to the next because of the layout.
Unlike the previous versions, this one takes over a full minute to load and 45-50 seconds to shift from scene to scene. Got several black screens during play. Could be a fun as the previous games if it can be polished up a great deal.