What I liked : 1- The voice actors . 2- clean scenery / realistic 3-story line 4- straight forward . What I did not like : 1-the mini - games were too easy and not in the correct place or they don't go with the flow of the events . They are so random and unnecessary . Are they fun ? Yes . they are quite fun . I only recommend this game for beginners . Thank you for the clean cut/realistic scenery . They were a bless to see
The puzzles were fun to solve , some of them were easy . too easy . But it was okay . Sometimes you need things that arent too hard . The story line started strong . I hoped that it would be with deeper connections to the past .
The story line was amazing from the very beginning till the middle . And then it turned out to be different from what I expected . But it is fun , kept me going . the puzzles are amazing . Well done guys . The riddles were too much fun ! I loved them . Thank you