As others have pointed out, there are lots of connections that can be drawn between this game and the movie "Avatar". In both, the audience is transported to a captivating foreign land with out-of-this-world fauna and flora. Perhaps a little too captivating; if I were stuck in Botanica, I'd probably never want to leave -- sure beats living in a crowded city!
Suggestions to make the game even better: 1. Some of the minigames could do with clearer and more detailed instructions. 2. We should be able to customize the time delay for hints and skip. 3. The evil Queen Kassandra doesn't look scary at all. She's supposed to be a menacing and terrifying villain; instead, she's a beautiful goddess that I wouldn't mind being enslaved by.
I got this game while it was free (Play Apart Together promotion), and I have to say it's super well put together and addicting to play. In fact, this game inspired me to purchase the other LoL games in the series.