China games are right up my alley to buy. Downloaded and tried. Graphics are nice. Played for 30 seconds, realize if you make too many errors it restarts and found there is no way i can buy. I play games to relax and not be utterly frustrated on and have to replay and eventually will get the pattern by wrong moves that defeats the purpose. Would have bought if it included an option for a relax mode with no restart penalty.
Enjoying it! Just a few suggestions for your next game releases!
PostedFebruary 6, 2023
fromOmaha, NE
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
I have all of the Color by Numbers, Art by Numbers, Art of Coloring all but the Pixel series. I don't like them at all. The same issue I don't like about them is here but doesn't bother me like the others. It will be a buy for me on next big fish sale. Only suggestions I have are once you have completed the numbered thread roll to have them disappear. Also please, please when/if you decide to choose a color and want to hold down the mouse button to fill in a number of them together and near each other and happen to go into an incorrect number please disable this so it does not appear mistakes are made or make an option for this in settings so people can have it either way. I am sure there are other suggestions, but these are the biggest ones I can think of. I will enjoy working on this for a while. I don't mind the colors so far, not everything has to be rainbow colors like many in the other coloring series. Looking forward to what you put out next.
I have all of these and most of the coloring games from big fish except for the pixel art ones. I love pixel art games and the idea of painting in pixel form I really really enjoy. The only issue is with this and most of the other pixel games if you paint the number on pixel and hit another box with a different number it darkens the wrong pixel making it harder to see that it is another number for later on. My suggestion is to not have this done that if you happen to select a wrong number by the correct box that it should stay the same color as all the other numbers yet to be painted. I do download and try pixel coloring games and after only a couple minutes I am beyond frustrated with this issue and give up am thrilled when I find one where selecting a wrong pixel does not affect them and makes it easier and more enjoyable to want to complete all the pictures.
Also please make the pictures revisitable once completed would like to be able to go back and look at completed pictures instead of clicking on a completed picture and then i am prompted to move on or go to the menu only and can't see it long enough be happy of the work.
Lastly being able to save the completed pictures to a folder to visit later (if above does not work or in addition to as option) or able to make the completed pictures as a background picture (without the numbers on the side) or sideshow or screensaver. Then it would be perfect coloring game.
This is more than just a painting game – explore incredible artwork and let your creative side shine as you complete these colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
I have bought all of the Art by Numbers, Paint by Numbers, and all others offered by BigFish. I LOVED the man fighting the dragon on page 4 here. It was such so much fun to do I just wished there was more like them or more male friendly pcitures. Hoping you can do the next or one or soon with just more in a fairytale settings or with more dragons, aliens, ghosts/paranormal, detective, unsuaul fish, monsters (dracula/vampires, space creatures, sea creatures) maybe done in the 50's or 60's settings, space, astronaut pictures, comic book or superhero, western, cowboy/cowgirl, desert scenes, sharks, underwater scenery, Again don't get me wrong I don't hate any of the others I own them a play them often, might be something to start to introduce or offer one as a test. Thanks.