Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
This is based on the 1st 5 mins of the game, maybe it gets better? I just couldn't get past the terrible game quality. The picking up and dragging was so painful it was this that caused me to stop the most. I will not be buying this. its a shame it had the chance to be something great!
I agree this is a challenging game, however if you think slightly differently when trying to complete each level you can finish them all in gold time, even that dreaded level 19a! I had to try it 5 times but finally got it! every other level I completed in gold time no worries, just think outside the box on some. I want more of these games!! actually just time management in general would be great! :)
I love time management games so when one comes available I pretty much buy it straight away, this game was the 5th game in this series and I have to say it did let me down slightly there was no challenge at all, I played the game in expert and I could have played for 5mins went and had a hr nap and came back and still had plenty of time to finish my level, it was crazy I had over half of my time left on every level! When I play expert I expect to have a play a few time to get it to that point! other than that it was fine, just like the others
I played for about 5minutes and I thought the whole thing was a waste of my time, maybe it got better after 5minutes. I very much look forward for time management games and jump on them when they come in, however yet another disappointment.