I really enjoy this type of game, and if you like Virtual Villagers, you will too. This game seemed a bit more friendly to me than did Virtual Villagers, but it suffers from the same problem that VV does -- the AI is a tad dumb.
When you have a fair number of tribesmen, it's a bit tedious to have to go around to all of them to make sure they're not hungry/thirsty/tired. If I wanted that sort of game, I'd play a Time Management game.
They really need some way of saying, "If your thirst bar gets here, then go take a drink, dummy!" instead of the guy working until he's parched and getting unhappy because of it.
However, I love the advancement, research, resource gathering, building, and puzzles that this game (as well as Escape from Paradise and all the Virtual Villagers games) includes.
While there wasn't enough different from the first one to be a true sequel (more like an expansion), it was a great game.
I really enjoy this type of game, and if you like Virtual Villagers, you will too. This game seemed a bit more friendly to me than did Virtual Villagers, but it suffers from the same problem that VV does -- the AI is a tad dumb.
When you have a fair number of tribesmen, it's a bit tedious to have to go around to all of them to make sure they're not hungry/thirsty/tired. If I wanted that sort of game, I'd play a Time Management game.
They really need some way of saying, "If your thirst bar gets here, then go take a drink, dummy!" instead of the guy working until he's parched and getting unhappy because of it.
However, I love the advancement, research, resource gathering, building, and puzzles that this game (as well as Escape from Paradise 2 and all the Virtual Villagers games) includes.
This adventure style game is better than its predecessor, in my opinion, which is always good to see. It was a bit longer than the last one as well -- also nice to see.
The puzzles were more challenging than the first game, but were also intuitive. It starts out rather mundanely, but hits the bizarre pretty fast. While based in history like the first one, this game's plot wasn't plausible at all. If you don't mind that, I'd certainly recommend this game. If you have trouble suspending belief, this one might not be for you.
The game was good for an adventure type game, but it was a little short. Most of the puzzle/item combinations were intuitive, which was a joy after some games of this type I've played. The story was very unique and I enjoyed the fact that it was even plausible, unlike some. If you've got an extra game credit lying around and like this type of game, I'd say go for it.