I've been a fan of this type of game ever since I played the first Puzzler World game in 2012. There aren't very many Link-a-Pix at Big Fish, but there are a few, along with their sister type game, Fill-a-Pix. (I've listed the ones I know of for both types at the bottom of this review.)
Link-a-Pix games are sort of a cross between mosaic games and pixel painting games. You're given a colored number somewhere on the grid and another of the same color number somewhere else on the grid. You need to connect the two using the number of squares indicated by the number. The line connecting the two can be straight or look like a pile of spaghetti. It just has to use exactly the number of squares called for. Once you've connected all the numbers correctly, you've completed a picture. This game has an added riddle at the start of each picture to help you figure out what you might be drawing and at the end of each picture a related trivia question. The only thing I didn't like about the game might be your favorite thing about it: If you put a color in a "wrong" square, a little red "x" shows up in that square. I don't like hints, so that irritates me and it can't be turned off. This seems to only happen if you put the wrong color in a spot that makes it impossible to complete another color/number combo, so you can still make mistakes that aren't automatically pointed out. That's a little confusing to me.
For those interested, Fill-a-Pix games are similar, but the idea is that for each colored number you need to color in exactly that many squares "touching" that number from any direction. So, a red 9 would have to have the numbered square and all the squares surrounding it colored red. A red 1 would have the numbered square OR any one of the surrounding squares colored red, but not more than one.
Below are all the Link-a-Pix and Fill-a-Pix games offered by Big Fish that I'm aware of.
Link-a-Pix: Puzzler World Puzzler World 2 Puzzler World 2013 Line-It: Case of the Stolen Past
Fill-a-Pix: Mystery Mosaics (but NOT Mystery Mosaics 2) Mystery Riddles
I recommend this game!
12of16voted this as helpful.
Lines and Knots
Can you connect all the Lines and Knots in this unique new puzzle game?
Overall rating
5/ 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
Something Different!
PostedJune 16, 2021
fromChicago, Illinois
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy
I really like this game and purchased after playing only four levels. As another reviewer mentioned, it's similar to the pipes mini-games in IHOGs. Each level has one locked tile with a slightly darker background, so that's your starting point. After that solving just requires logic and persistence.
Other reviewers have commented on the game performance being really slow, but I had no problems with lag or slow performance, so that's likely caused by individual computer configurations. Game developers try to make their games run on all computers, but they can't test them on every one of the thousands of configurations out there, so, definitely try the game before you buy it! If you find you like it enough to want to buy, but it's lagging or locking up, contact BFG support for help getting it running smoothly.
The game is untimed - so actually relaxing to play - and I never use hints or skips, so neither of those is a problem for me. If you like using your brain, not racing the clock, you'll probably like it. If you're a fan of TM or arcade games, or rely on hints and/or skips to get through games, you probably won't. As always, try it first.
...You'll love this one! It's almost identical in game play to the two Road Trip games, with many of the same variations on the hidden object scenes, complete with bonus items (eight balls) and special items (crowns) to find in some of the scenes, and speed bonuses for finding objects quickly. There are three levels of difficulty, including an untimed with no misclick penalty, for those who want a more Zen experience. There are a variety of mini-games between scenes, which can be skipped if you choose.
You can play the locations in any order and switch around between them, if you like variety. You have a trip diary in this game which contains facts about each location and they've added "facts in scene" - an object they show you at the start of the scene and if you find it, facts about it are added to your trip diary for that location. You can also use your score to buy "gifts", which are displayed in a case.
This game is a definite buy for me and I won't bother waiting for the standard edition to be released!
I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed the first game in this series. I've played it over and over, but ONLY for the Fill-a-Pix puzzles. They didn't include those in this game, so it's just another griddler game.
Pluses: -The puzzles that I've played so have been logical, so no guessing. -You can rebuild the city, which I always enjoy, even though it's sort of pointless -There are achievements, if you like them
Plus or Minus - depending on your skill level: -I haven't finished, but so far, the puzzles are very easy.
Minus - and it's a HUGE one for me: -There is only the standard griddler type puzzle in this game, The previous game and its sister game, Mystery Riddles, had a full set of levels that you could play in the usual griddler style, but also in what they called Fill-a-pix.
Fill-a-pix are very hard to find and I can't even tell you how disappointed I am that they were not included. There are tons of griddler games now, but I know of only two that have Fill-a-pix. If you don't like them or have never tried them, then by all means try this game. You may just love it. If you were hoping to find them in this game, though, you'll be disappointed.