There was paint drying in another room and that was more interesting
PostedJuly 29, 2019
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
We're in the middle of a huge drought. There hasn't been rain forever. We're living in a dustbowl. I left this game to go and watch the grass not grow. That's how good it was.
I don't normally review games, but this game is awesome.
It's like the Adelantado series. So time management, but also some exploring. Some freedom of where to build things to make things interesting and more challenging. But still an order in which things need to be completed and a time goal to meet. Because of the exploring the levels are long, and there are save points along the way.
There were 4 levels of play. I set it to expert and actually timed out on one level - that never happens.
There's some hidden caches which are really tough to find. Great if you are into a challenge.
Definitely one to buy - I've just pressed purchase myself and look forward to taking a long time to get through it all.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
Not sure why this is a Collectors Edition. Just ok as a game. Got through the entire first section - about 14/15 levels in the trial hour. Got through each level really easily with 3 stars. Not very challenging. No choice to make it more difficult. The story line didn't really go anywhere. It was fun enough to play, but not worth buying as there is no challenge. There are bonus levels but I didn't discover how to access them. The sound effects are annoying.
Wrecked it with a completely unneccessary and inappropriate story
PostedJune 5, 2017
1/ 5
So I was finding the behaviour of the characters a bit annoying this time around, and then an exchange between characters left me completely cold.
It was a the end of level 7 where the comment is made that a character had a crush on her maths teacher while at school and she reveals that it is why she got good grades. Seriously? The idea that students flirt with their teachers is not fantastic, but that it is successful is unnecessary and inappropriate.