Finally BF came out with a solitaire game worth playing... cannot believe it is from jewel match... hope they come out with another jewel match ... This is finally worth the money.. loads of levels and bonus I love as they are all different solitaire games.... Thank you for coming out with a fun solitaire game instead of these boring match 2 ... game on. If your a solitaire player surely give it a whirl.. well worth it in my opinion...
Love match 3, this is great if you like match 3 owl rescue is also similar and pretty snails... better then most of the match 3 they are coming out with... Hope they come out with a good solitaire game soon... and less hog games... just way to many of those for me... not big on hog but don't mind a bit in the middle of a match 3....
this is one of the best match 3 I have all of them and they just get better all the time... wish they would make more match 3 for us then all the dang hidden object every day.............. game is worth a buy....
wow finally another solitaire game worth paying for... has not been one since emerald chronicles... have Avalon 1 and it has been 3 years until Avalon 2 wow... If your a solitaire player this is a buy........... thanks big fish now come out with a really good match 3 and not so many hidden object.. please!!!!!!!!
Look after and feed fun 3D fish and watch them play and interact with each other as you complete exciting match-3 levels to earn money for decorating your aquarium!
wow bf you surely surprised me with this one.. i am not a big collectors edition person but when i saw fishdom was like i have 3 so i dl it and i am sure glad i did.. great great job and i absolutely love it.. the fish are so dang cute and feeding them talking to them lol lol... but most of all so many more things to buy and tanks to do... ty ty ty.. for another wonderful match 3... please keep them coming.........
love the game... have the first one and played it twice through, but this one has more of a challenge to it.. play on time mode for it makes it a bit more exciting.. relax mode does not give u the challenge if thats what your looking for.. thank you big fish for another great match 3.. 7 wonders alien was a disappointment to me but this one is a great choice if you are a m3p..........
love the moving board reminds me of vesuvia and that was a blast so looking forward to the rest of this one.. sure hope it is not a short game or i will be a tad p.od... but love it ty bf for finally coming out with another match 3.. there is surely not enough of them for me.. to many hog ...
this was the most confusing boring game i have ever played.. been waiting for a good match 3 and this is just not it.. what is up bf its time to give us match 3 players something to pick from.. i am so sick of all the hog omg just to many ev month.. not fun anymore waiting for a good match 3..