I really liked this game and couldn't stop playing once I started. The HOPs were varied, and the puzzles were not too challenging which made everything flow along so I didn't lose track of what was going on. The storyline was interesting and the main character was determined to get things done! I liked that I wasn't bobbing and weaving from one end of the map to the other to find some obscure widget to open something. It was easy to navigate and remember where items in the inventory belonged and what direction I should take. Very enjoyable.
Love, love, loved this game. Story line, graphics and voice acting were just right, and I enjoyed the shock factor here and there - occasionally jumping in my seat!. The 'side kick' had quite a few funny lines, and the puzzles and HOPs were all varied and interesting. I thought the ending was a little abrupt, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the game.
I enjoyed this game from start to finish. The graphics, story line and voice acting were great. I really liked the HOPs and puzzles as they were all interesting and innovative. I especially liked the headphones in the museum exhibition, but they were all really good fun. One thing I'd like all game producers to include, is a method of going back after the game's completed and retry skipped puzzles without having to play the whole game again. I skipped a few because I was immersed in the story, but would like to 'redo' just for fun!
I gave this game five stars even though I found some of the puzzles difficult and had to skip three. Maths is not my forte. The last one was especially frustrating as I knew I could crack it eventually, but it would've taken too dang long! Just my opinion obviously. I enjoyed the HOPs, as they increased in challenge throughout the game, plus the items were relevant, not just random objects. The story line was pretty interesting, and I liked the graphics and music. Hopefully the next installment will be just as good! :)
I like the heroine in this series of games very much, and was looking forward to another one of her paranormal adventures. This one, for some reason, didn't really get my attention. I found some of the puzzles a little tedious at times, and I don't like having to go back to the beginning if I make a mistake right near the end! One maze was so slow, a square at a time, plodding along, so I just skipped it as it wasn't interesting at all. The Tiny Terrors were a little creepy in the beginning, which was fun, and as the story line developed it became clearer why there were around, but it was a long time coming. The ending was semi-satisfying, but won't give anything away. If you can get this game on sale, I'd give it a try to kill some time.
I had my ups and downs playing this game. I found the HOPs very good, with different items to find all the time to keep it interesting. Most of the puzzles were also good, but a few were too challenging so I skipped them. The story line was a bit vague, and at times I just wanted the whole thing to be over. I don't like not having a map, plus I'd prefer voices for the characters rather than just reading text.
I've just finished this game and thought it was great! The characters and story line were interesting, and the puzzles and HOPs were not crazy difficult like some. I liked the banter between the characters, and the fact I didn't have to go all over the place using a map because the challenges were in close proximity. Can't wait for the sequel.
I really liked this game from start to finish. The story line was interesting as well as a lot of fun. It followed a logical sequence without having to jump from scene to scene on the map. The puzzles and HOPs were not too challenging and it was nice to play a game and just enjoy it for what it was - a game! I just wish it were a little longer.
I loved this game from start to finish. The heroine is searching, searching, searching and there're lots of things to find along the way! The scenery's pretty amazing, the map works well and the puzzles and HOPs are great fun. A few twists and turns make it a very entertaining journey. Hope to see more like this one! :)