Clunky interface, vague challenges, and an even more obscure storyline. Shall I go on?? This is a perfect example of too many sequels. Time to think of a new idea!!!
This game had the potential to be quite entertaining but was spoiled by a poor interface, annoying music, and shallow characters. I only played for a short time, before I became very ... very ... very bored and was yearning for something exciting to happen. Really Dragonseye - sort yourselves out!! If you cannot produce a game that at least runs well and gives us a challenge, then go back to the drawing board!!
I managed this game for about 5 minutes and then gave up. It is way too shallow and about 20 years out of its time zone. The only thing I can work up any emotion about is that the developers not only sell it in today's market, but also sell it as a CE - Outrageous!! This game is only good for 2 things - wasting your money and your time - DO NOT BUY!!
I really expected a scary, psychological thriller of a game, based on all the hype, but I was quite disappointed. After the first story, it seemed to lose steam and the story lines grew weaker. There seemed to be no reason why we were at a crossroads at all and no real opportunity to change the story, except to change what was said. I have played games far scarier than this. Elephant - you really need to go back to basics if you think this game is scary enough to need a warning!!!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
Fairies and magic, with a bad guy breaking the rules against nature - sounds familiar? We have seen this storyline a lot. Domini need to refresh their ideas and approach! Also - I don't like to play as a man - just a personal preference, We should be offered a choice. I will not be purchasing!!
This game seriously needs an identity. The buildings seem to produce random items, with very little explanation of why you need them. The tasks are really basic and add nothing to the story and the characters are really flat, with no personality at all. I played 5 levels, which was about as much as I could stomach and at one point, started to doze off, the whole thing was so boring. My advice to the developers - scrap this and give us a proper game - this is not even worth the price of a SE game, let alone a CE. Shame on you!!
I am a big fan of Jewel Match games but was so disappointed with this one. The basic graphics, items and gameplay made the whole thing very clumsy. The backgrounds were also quite poor and were unworthy of a standard game, let alone a collectors version. Sorry Suricate, but a Match 3 game should have crisp, clear graphics and gameplay. This is most definitely a backwards step.
The colours in this game were far too bright and there was also a lot of backwards and forwards - so boring. I couldn' t play for more than 10 minutes, then I came out and uninstalled. To be honest, I expected more from Domini. There is nothing here we haven't seen before and this type of subject has been done to death. Can't they come up with something more original?
Very disappointing game! This storyline has been done to death and offered nothing new. The graphics weren't particularly good either and the tasks did not offer much in the way of a challenge. Ultimately, not worth the cost of a collectors edition game.
The speech is so annoying. if you click on certain objects, you get the same line of dialogue over and over again. The movement of the characters is very basic and if you don't like helpers, then this game is definitely not for you, as it revolves around them and they get more irritating as the game goes on. The storyline is nothing new and I could only stand to play about 30 minutes. My advice - leave it alone!