I completed 5 as my demo ran out so I have probably been playing it for a couple of hours on and off.
I have no idea if this game is made by the same people as Farm Frenzy just under a different arm, or not as the "Publisher is different, but this game is an improved clone of the former.
Apart from playing along the same premise as the FF games, this game wins the Cutesy stakes hands down. In fact the story line is almost nausiatingly sweet, but then there are the little people and they are just sooooo cute.
The publishers site said there were 100 levels, but i have only counted 92 on the game so far, but either way a great length.
The graphics are amazing and although turned down low, but not off, I can't comment on the music or sounds, so they could not have been at all annoying.
There is a bit of fast clicking on the predators, two different kinds so far, a fox who eats your stock and a goat who eats your animals food.
Selling is a little bit different too. In this game, you put your goods up for sale, the van comes to collect them but you get paid as soon as he takes them. It feels a lot quicker than FF and having to wait for the cart to return.
The buildings are quite good. sometimes you are provided with buildings other times just spaces other times nothing. You can buy spaces for your buildings in the form of a cloud. Not only can you update a building but you can also sell it, then build a different kind of building. As I said, the buildings come on clouds and you can move the clouds around the screen to where you want.
Another nice addition is the bank, which although not that fast, will turn 5o credits into 150
The animals so far have been a goose a sheep and there is a silhouette for a cow.
Now here is the cutest thing ever. When you buy your animal, they come as babies. You have to pet them and give them love and then they will grow up. The goose will then start to lay eggs, and eat the grass you plant by watering with water from the refillable well. However, if you then buy some food for the trough on top of that, the bird will mature even more and start dropping feathers that can be made into pillows etc
I have just noticed that a guard has just appeared to help with ridding the pests.
It is a time management game, but I don't think there is any penalty for not getting gold or silver, so you can play at your own pace.
So far this is a brilliant little game and if you like TM esp If you like the FF series you will adore this wonderful game.
I highly recommend a download and try at the very least I am sure it will be 1 hour you will not regret.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
Well here is my review based on almost 3 hours play where I only got to level 11 out of a whopping 77 levels as I like to get gold where I can.
Now this game might first appear to be another "Farm Frenzy" , but I assure you it is not. This game is pure strategy, great news for those of you who are not fast clickers.
The graphics are great and the animals really cute. You need to sow grass for them but watering is free AND when you want to sell something, it happens instantly from the store.
The store is a mute point for me ( makes the game more fun tbh) as it is quite piddly in size and needs updating often. In this game if you need 25 eggs, then you have to have 25 eggs at the end. However, as the tutorial states, it is cheeper to buy a new store than update, but there again there are several factories you may need to or want to buy.
The music is a bit annoying (very 70's cocktail bar sound) but can be turned down.
The game also offers sound options on nature and effects. These I also turned down as there is more rain in this game then there is in the UK at the moment & I kept on needing a wee break .
The game also offers wide screen (fills my lap top) and HD, Fantastic.
Going back to game play, I have been promised a lot more brain ache to come.
But this game REALLY is all about strategy.
What I have found is if you are not even close to getting gold, you are doing something wrong. If you come close, may be a tweek or two. REMEMBER, this is not a fast click game, so if you do not make gold it is not because you are not fast enough, but because you are not doing the right actions.
May be by Christmas I will have finished this wonderful game. For me it is up there with Joy of Farming, tricky, fun, pleasant and well well worth the money Enjoy !!!!!!
Travel across meadows and journey into a dark forest. Work quickly to build properties, earn gold and protect the town from fire-breathing dragons in Build-a-lot Fairy Tales.
Hello, this is my review so far based on 40 mins game play.
So we have another Build - a - lot- game in the collection.
Although I enjoy the series and own them all, even I was very bored with them.
And then they bring out this little gem and I am blown away.
It is set in the land of fairy tales. Instead of odd looking mayors we have cartoon characters. I have encountered a Wolf and a toy soldier so far, and pigs as inhabitants.
Your workers are cute little fairies and your townships so far have been set in whimsical woodlands etc.
From what I have played, the game play is still the same (don't fix what ain't broke) but it is full of charm with out the feeling of tedium and work work work, like i felt in the recent games.
Yes the game play is still a little slow rather than frenzied click click click but because of the setting it felt laid back and chilled rather than boring.
This is a game i will enjoy very much many times over.
Thank you.
There are 65 levels in all and a basic tutorial and you collect ribbons Blue / green (gold and silver) if you finish on time. I don't know what happens if the timer ran out but I thought the allotted times to be extremely generous
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
Good morning lovely Fishies
Well I have demo’d this game for and this is what I thought after playing the full demo. The demo version is 332 megs compared with 713 megs of the full CE I was expecting to be disappointed with this latest offering, mainly because we have had a few very good games released as SE, and with a little bit of tweeking and extending could have made excellent CE’s. Todays offering falls very short of the mark in some aspects. The options are sound, volume , custom curser and full screen, but in this CE the full screen does not extend to my lap top unlike yesterdays SE game. There is NO voice over, although the music is quite nice and fitting and although the game offers NO difficulty mode, there are sparkles galore. In fact i like sparkles, but they were even annoying me by the end
Also in the trial version you can only access the first chapter and first page of the second chapter in the strategy guide. There is absolutely no indication of how many chapters there are or how long the game is. Other bonus’s such as sketches, music and wallpapers are only available when you finish the game, (If you can wait that long) However, my review is not all doom and gloom. The story starts out cheerfully enough. You get a letter whilst at school from your sister, telling you your parents are dead & so off home you go. <rolls eyes> The game is a mixture of inventory based adventure and Hidden Object Locations (Hol’s) The few minigames I have come across were unusual and very enjoyable, if a touch on the easy side.
The HOL’s were beautifully done and I had no problem finding the items if I looked carefully enough. The hints fill up rather slow though. It is such a shame as actually I quite like this game and it will be a definite buy for me, as an SE, however, as it lacks certain finesse as mentioned earlier,( when clearly as other games have shown they are quite feasible to include) and no indication of length (or value for money). I hate to put the dampeners on games like this, but it just isn’t up to the mark.
I have only played this game for 42 minutes. I stopped to exit and buy in case it exited me.
It is of such good quality & checked to see if it had been previously released as a CE which it has not.
There are two modes to play which are changeable in game.
The options are sound, music, custom curser, full screen, and ratio aspect, which means that unusually my lap top screen is filled.
Further more there are options in some of the scenes to go "wide screen" and enable scrolling for a more panoramic experience, but the fact it is an option means it caters for those of us prone to motion sickness.
I can understand why they included the option though, the scenery is stunning & graphics are excellent on my lappy.
There is also a voice over at the begining of chapters.
The story is a bit different too & has intrigued me.
I played on easy mode so I don't know if the harder mode has these options, (and there is a skippable tutorial) but you have goals to for fill, like "enter the tent" . The hint system will give you a general hint on one click & a more detailed hint on subsequent hints.
There are Hidden Object Locations (HOL's ) and some times it is find 10 of this etc but also fins many objects, which you would expect to find in the location.
I have come across 1 mini game that was unique and enjoyable.
You collect achievements along the way.
I have absolutely no idea why this game is as SE. May be it is something to do with length, something i have no idea on I'm afraid, but i will post back later to give an idea. {Others have indicated @3 1/2 - 4 hours game play}
All in all this is a brilliant game so far & I am off to buy.
Well I have just finished playing this wonderful gem and wanted to share why I thought it was so great.
Having read and taken in others reviews and opinions I have to say that despite the minus points, this game is worth every penny of the SE price at which it is offered.
I found the graphics to be crisp and the hidden object scenes challenging but do-able. There were a couple of "well that didn't look like that" moments but as the game offers silhouettes if you hovver your mouse over the item you wish to find, it was not a problem.
The mini games took me a while to work out what I was supposed to do but were not overly difficult. A few times I came close to hitting the skip button only to solve the puzzle there and then.
The story was interesting enough if not original & it lends purpose to the object of the game.
There were quite a few scenes to explore & these were grouped in "batches" for the most part which meant that although you were moving too & fro, there was not too much back tracking for miles to places you visited a while ago.
The only real problem was the lagging between loading times of certain scenes, which I know annoys a lot of people but It was not so slow that I thought the game was hanging.
I did feel as if the game rushed a bit towards the end, but it still took me 4 hours to complete in stages. If it offered a couple more chapters and sorted out the loading issues, I would have seriously considered buying it as a CE.
Even if it is a "no buy" for you, an hour playing the demo will be well spent.