Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
This is one of my favorite series and I own several of these games. One common criticism of the earlier games is that they were too easy, even in the Hard setting. Well, that has changed! I was missing 3 stars from the beginning! I had to double check that I was in the easy mode and not the difficult.
I have played this through several times now and still can't get 3 stars on a couple of levels I can't remember which ones, but one doesn't give you enough food - only 3 food stands, can't build a restaurant, and it requires food to purchase everyhing in the shop as well as complete some of the tasks and buildings. To rescue animals requires an insane amount of food and there are an insane number of animals to rescue. I've gotten close, but not close enough. And this is in the easier setting; forget trying to win this in the difficult setting. The other level just has too many tasks to complete and not enough time.
That is why I only gave this game 4 stars. I do like a challenge, but I also need to complete a game with 3 stars on every level, even if it's in the easier mode. The tutorial isn't really helpful - just shows an order in which you should go but no detail on whether or when you should upgrade buildings or not. I found that using their recommended order didn't always work as well as one I figrued out myself.
I sprung for the CE because of the 15 extra bonus levels. You have to complete the regular levels to unlock these, but you don't have to get 3 stars, thankfully. As usual, buying the upgrades with the stars you earn doesn't seem to help as much as the in-game upgrade thingys you can click on to make your buildings produce faster. Timing these clicks just right was a life saver!
I recommend this for anyone who likes this game series and really wants a challenge. If you use these games just to relax, play in the untimed mode or move on to something else.
PS: I really don't play any of these or similar games for the story. It's a little annoying that when you click through, it will pop up, "Are you sure? There could be information that will affect game play," however, there never is anythng useful there. Just let me click through the story, please.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I love clutter type games, and this one has improved over the last ones I have tried in this series, but it still had some issues that make it a no-go for me.
I failed level 3. Why? It was a match 2 level, and they placed the last two objects right on top of each other. How are you supposed to click on both? There was no move option in this level. If you're going to make that restriction, don't place identical objects on top of each other.
Game play is still wonky. If you move your cursor even slightly, it erases your click on the object and you'll have to click it again to select it. That eats up time in the timed version of the game. Clicks felt unresponsive at times.
Not a fan of the puzzle levels. Endless flipping and moving them to get it solved. Once a piece is in the right place, it should stay there. I hated those slider puzzle things when I was a kid for the same reason. Fortunately, you can skip them, but it took some clicking around to find that option.
Life is too short to be that frustrated. Going to pass on this one.
I love, love, love these Clutter games. This CE ha plenty of levels and has toggles for things you don't want like Chaos level (gives me a headache), Colorize, and Timer. If I have a complaint, it's that some of the levels are more of the same items in previous versions. There are a few new items, but too many of the same old things. I will probably buy it anyway. I think of these as a video version of the I Spy books my children loved.
Usually, this type of game is right up my alley. I own all the Hercules games, Rescue Squad, Viking Bros., etc. I thought I would try something a little different this time. However, I had to exit the game about 15 minutes into it. There was a level task that was "Play the Flute" - but there was nowhere to click to play said flute. I could not figure out how to complete the level, so I just quit. There was not a lot of help, even with the tutorial screen shots. There was a puzzle area that was grayed out that said, "Only available in the full version." Huh? This is the CE, so why wasn't that available? I'd like to see what a game has as extra content before I spend on the CE. Definitely not buying this one. Sad.
As others have said, there is a wide variety of games. However, I did not really enjoy the type of play in most of them. A little more direction would have been helpful, but since it's not timed, you can probably figure it out eventually. There doesn't seem to be enough levels of any of the puzzles I liked - some only had 3 or 4 - and too many of the ones I didn't like. For a collector's edition, I was expecting a lot more game play. I really don't care about extras like music and wallpapers - give me more levels!!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
I have purchased all the previous Rescue Team games, so I was excited when this one came out. However, this one was disappointing. The game was not as challenging as previous games - pretty much the same thing every level and no real challenges. Although they did get rid of the super slow sky trolleys, I kinda miss the fireballs and earthquakes that made the previous games challenging. I agree with those who say the that the bonuses you purchase with don't really seem to make a difference. No one seems to really speed up unless you use the level bonus spaces, and those are few and far between. The most disappointing thing, however, was being unable to complete the Rescue Base. I completed the game with 3 stars for every level. but did not have enough coins to purchase all the properties. Going back and playing levels again made no difference. Even though purchasing those things don't really help you play the game, it's a fun little bonus. Why have it at all if you can't complete it? Sad! For that reason, i cannot recommend this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Match 3, Time Management, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I like penguins and M3 games, so I thought this would be great for a change. However, I found it to be quite boring and too simplistic. I think even children would find this boring.
On the plus side, you have 3 modes to play: classic M3, chain 3, and group click. The latter two modes are more challenging, but still very easy. The classic M3 was way too easy, even for an M3 game. There didn't seem to be a gold level, or even a time's up challenge. Your only challenge is to go back and replay levels to beat your previous time.
There was a Yeti who kept popping up on the side of the board, but what his purpose was,other than to be annoying, I have no idea. I tried clicking on him, but nothing happened. He just made that obnoxious Harpo Marx horn tooting sound. The music was annoying and repetitive as well.
You could earn mushroom bombs for matching 5 mushrooms, which made the game even easier. However, there were no bonuses for matching any of the other items on the board. I would have preferred that to the penguin power-ups.
My biggest pet peeve(s) were the fish. In order to get a penguin power-up you have to feed 4 different penguins their corresponding color of fish. These fish are on the board and you have to drop them to the bottom to get them. However, the fish cannot be moved when trying to get a match; essentially, they are like boulders or blockers in other M3 games, and the only way to clear them is to get them to the bottom or blow them up. I also didn't like having to figure out the power-ups. Just tell me what they do.
Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this game, even for children. I think the will get bored after a few levels. Save your money or credits for something more challenging and interesting.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Match 3, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
4/ 5
I love bunnies. My children fear that when I am old, I won't be a crazy cat lady but a crazy bunny lady. So I had to try this game, and there are cute bunnies galore!
However, if you are looking for a challenging HOG, this is not it. This game seems to be geared more toward kids. That's great, because many of the HOG games might not be suitable for youngsters. This story is cute and includes kids - nothing scary and no innuendo.
A nice bonus is the little mini-games between search screens. A few were somewhat challenging and might be frustrating to some, but most were very easy and you do eventually get to skip them if you wish.
There is a refilling timer for hints - somewhat slow but not a problem since the game isn't timed. There are extra items to collect such as eggs, bunnies, (BUNNIES!) and a special Easter Bunny in every screen. The amounts of these varies; it would have been nice to know how many I was looking for to know if I found them all. I only played the 1 hour demo, so I don't know what the purpose of these collections is, and maybe you find out at the end if you got all the eggs and bunnies.
I'm going to recommend this for kids or if you are looking for a nice, easy HOG without any horror or escape challenges. It might be a nice Easter Basket gift!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Match 3, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
I'm always looking for a new TM game. This one is unique in that it has a zombie theme rather than diner, farm, or fashion like most tm games are. The play, however, is not that much different than something like Spa Mania or similar "station" games - you move "customers" (zombies, in this case) to different stations, perform different services on them (mini-games) and send them out the door. And, you have to earn enough money doing it to move to the next level. Upgrades are available, but I'm not sure how they help, having only played the demo.
The gameplay is fast, so you will have plenty to do. The zombies don't get mad sitting there, but they will get up and walk out if you take too long. Unlike living customers, though, you can bonk them on the head and make them sit back down. In later levels, they might also infect you - but you do get a tonic for a cure.
I'm not a big fan of horror or zombies, and parts of this are gross (roaches in the transition screen and having to squash bugs when cleaning caskets - ewww!) However, it's kinda cute in it's own way. Especially clever are the little sayings during the loading; it's about time someone thought to add some entertainment instead of the constant and annoying "loading....loading....loading" message. You will definitely get a good chuckle out of this, if you aren't too grossed-out!
I usually avoid gross games like this, but I'm kinda glad I tried it. It was more fun than I thought it would be. A little too gross for my taste, but I am giving it a thumbs up!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Match 3, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Okay, M3 games are fairly easy and there's not much new about them. No great buzzers or whistles on this one, either. It's your standard M3 game with a mythology theme. Complete the puzzles and restore the temple of a god/goddess. There are the usual ice and chain blocks, and the single, double, triple match blocks to remove from the board. Same repetitive music throughout. There's a little hidden object challenge at the end of each section (temple) - a nice bonus, but not difficult because you get plenty of help if needed.
That being said, it was slightly challenging - I actually did not get all gold in the first level, although I think I would if I had gone back to play those levels again. That alone made me sad when the 1 hour demo was done - I found myself wanting more time, and that's a good thing for a game. There's also a "color" challenge in some of the levels (have to remove x number of a certain color), and a "bring the amulet piece to the bottom" challenge, but neither of those were too difficult to achieve.
I would have liked more power-ups, and not just color-based ones given in this game. (earn power-ups by making matches in a particular color; the power-up then helps you remove that particular color from the board) I like bombs and hammers and such - things that are really helpful.
You have to drag-swap pieces, not click on one then the other. Most M3ers prefer the drag-swap anyway, but it's nice to have a choice. I do like that you can skip the story and the temple-building if you wish.
Overall, it's not a bad game, just not over-the-top fun, either. I might go for it when it is deeply discounted, but not just yet. I am going to give it a recommendation because it really doesn't have a lot of negatives to keep anyone away from it. If you really like M3 games, you might want to give it a try and make your own judgments. Happy gaming!