I was able to download and play most of the trial. It's cute and the music is soothing. Similar to others like Alice, but still fun. Had to replay a couple of the levels to get all 3 stars but that just took a little planning.
I have played most of the previous Rescue Team games but this one is a little different. As others have said you do have to strategize a little ahead of time to make sure you build your buildings in the best order for what resource will be needed the most. It is a little different than the others but once you figure out the strategy, it's sooo much fun. I couldn't stop. It's very addicting. I hope future Rescue games are the same style. My only request would be to give a little more direction on what steps are needed next, like needing to hire more of a certain skilled personnel to play the next level. However, I 1000% recommend this game.