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Return to the De la Fer estate to help the count unravel the curse that has been passed down through his family!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
PostedMay 22, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game and the bonus chapter.
This is the second part of the Shadow Wolf Mysteries series. The first part focused on the Count, as far as I can remember, now there is a little girl and her stepmother added to the mix. It is feared that the Little One is already infected with lycanthropy, and you are summoned to bring up a cure.
The Good:
+ decent game length
+ graphics are well done
+ some of the interactions in the HOS made me laugh
+ some background to the story given through documents
+ cute wolf pup
The Neutral:
o in one HO scene you are asked to search for a bowl and the item in question turns out to be a chalice
o abrupt ending (in regular game AND bonus chapter)
The Bad:
- large plot holes and illogical stuff (Why does the alchemist not just step out of the fumes in the hut? Why would you saw down a tree to take down a wall? Did we cure the girl or not? and so on and so on)
Bonus Content: The bonus chapter deals with the Countess who has to be stopped; it took me about one hour to complete. The rest is the usual stuff: Artwork, Screensaver, wallpapers and (savable) soundtrack.
Bottom Line: This is your typical average game by this developer. I feel they could have put in a little more effort to make the game great. Let's see if the third part will be better.
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Save the kingdom and reunite Princess Isabella with her prince in the exciting conclusion to the Princess Isabella trilogy!
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4 / 5
5 of 7 found this review helpful
And they lived happily ever after
PostedMay 21, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
4 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game and the bonus chapter.
This is the third installment of the Princess Isabella series and conclusion of the trilogy. When we left off the witch turned Isabella to stone, and the allies swept in to rescue the baby. Now grown up, as Princess Bella, the heir, it is your duty to take the kingdom back, assisted by Fairy, a dragon and three Fairy Godmothers.
The Good:
+ story
+ trademark uncursing of rooms and landscapes
+ the magic duel is back!
+ adjustable options (I played with fast hint recharge, very slow skip and sparkles up)
+ still a lot of stuff to break, blow out or renew
+ diverse minigames
The Neutral:
o most riddles are very easy
o giant spider warning. She's not too big though, and you interact with her.
The Bad:
- the fairy used to be charming, but her new hastened and pitched up voice is annoying (then again, she's not with you that long...)
Bonus Content: The bonus chapter took me about one hour to complete. You return to the original castle and set the ghosts of the previous inhabitants, who were cursed by the witch, free. An unusual extra are two behind the curtain videos: A walk through the developer's studio (longer than the Big Fish one from Dire Grove) and Outtakes from the voiceover recordings (quite funny). Other than that you can re-watch the videos, as usual, artwork and some wallpapers.
Bottom Line: This is a satisfying ending to the series. Finally, one that knows how to not overstay their welcome. I have to give a warning for you ophidiophobists out there: You will encounter a lot of giant snakes. If you want to defeat every last bit of evil, get the CE, otherwise the regular edition will be fine.
I recommend this game!
5of 7voted this as helpful.
Help the Simmons Family in Family Vacation: California!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
6 of 6 found this review helpful
California for Beginners
PostedMay 21, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
3 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game.
This is your very basic HOG. A family of 4 wins a trip to California so mother Barb can go on The Price is Nice. On the way you will find lots of hidden objects, solve some puzzles and click away dialogs.
The Good:
+ colorful and bright
+ for the whole family
+ some interaction in HO scenes (one additional hidden area, some FRO pieces)
The Neutral:
o they could have shown more famous sites instead of a nameless baseball stadium, beach or movie park
The Bad:
- in general much too easy for the experienced player
Bottom Line: This is a great game for either people getting to know the HOG genre or for (grand)parents sitting down with their kids in front of the PC to play a suitable-for-all-ages game. For the experienced player this game might be a tad boring.
6of 6voted this as helpful.
Travel back in time to help stop a terrible fire that started Felicia down her evil path in PuppetShow: Return to Joyville!
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4 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Back to the Past
PostedMay 18, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game.
This is the fourth installment of the Puppetshow series. The story is a bit out there: You are approached by the villain of the first three games to help her change the past and avoid the mess that was before. You find yourself in the past from the beginning, and the detective tells you that there was a portal. I assume that bit came in the bonus chapter of Lost Town, which I have not played (I only own the regular edition).
The Good:
+ graphics are a big step forward
+ cute evil cat puppet (in place of the mechanical spider)
+ some tough mini puzzles (had to consult the walkthrough on the Cupid one)
+ items are not placed back into repeating HO scenes
+ the hint function finally works outside of HO scenes
+ the silhouette HO scene was great...
The Neutral:
o ...but there was only one in the whole game
o one big and one medium sized mechanical spiders as "sight gag" (no interaction)
o the hint function only tells you that there is nothing to do in the current scene
o intro video has to be skipped every time you start the game
The Bad:
- the Tools fan is still annoying
- sometimes the game is a big "run around until you find the next thing to do fest"
Bottom Line: After the boring game 2 and the average third game this part is a big step in the right direction. You will need to play the first three games to understand the plot, but I can finally recommend a Puppetshow game.
I recommend this game!
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After discovering a new system of caves, the entire town is excited to explore, until Suzy is kidnapped by a mechanical beast!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
Another Eternally Released Sequel game
PostedMay 16, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game.
This is the third installment of the Puppetshow series. In a remote town, a little girl is abducted by a Puppet / Robot to an even more remote town, that has been abandoned for some reason. When you go there you find that the inhabitants have been replaced by puppets, and of course your old adversary and her spider puppet are there too.
The Good:
+ graphics up to the developer's usual standard
+ items are not put back into repeated HO scenes
The Neutral:
o inventory only shows 5 slots
o very limited interaction with the main adversary and the spider puppet (only around 4 sightings during the game)
o average game time of about 3 hours
The Bad:
- you have to click a "Tools" button every time you want to take an item out of your inventory
- no hint function outside the HO scenes
Bottom Line: This game is definitely less boring than the second part, but overall nothing to really write home about. I would classify it as your typical average game that this developer churns out regularly. If you played the first two games, play it to know the continuation of the story.
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Delve deeper into the secret world of a time traveling family trying to fulfill the prophecies in the Book of Oracles.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
Time travel that feels very old
PostedMay 15, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
4 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game.
This is the conclusion of the Flux Family saga. This also means that you better play the first two or the story won't make much sense to you, even if the game tries to remedy that by a short synopsis at the first movie machine. This time around Jesse tries to remedy her screwup at the end of Part 2, but initially fails. Then it's up to her to help the usual historical figures to save the family (and the world?) from certain doom on December 21 last year.
The Good:
+ FROG and HOG scenes
+ the magnifying glass is back (right click)
+ search for Flux Facts
+ "All Star" made me laugh
+ diverse mini games...
The Neutral:
o ...but all of them are easy
The Bad:
- more often than not the hint system is utterly useless
- graphics and videos are still the same as in Part 1
Bottom Line: Buy it for the conclusion if you played the first two games. This series was great at the release of Part 1, however, since then gameplay has evolved, but this series is still treading water at the level of part 1.
3of 3voted this as helpful.
Become a garden master and win the gardening challenge to save Jill's grandparents' home from demolition in this colorful time management game.
Overall rating 
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4 / 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
Sunnydale Gardens (no vampires!)
PostedMay 8, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Review based upon completion of the game with all levels in Gold time, a fully renovated villa and 39 of 44 Gold trophies.
This game is brought to you by the Torque Game Builder tool that also was used for the Kate series in which you have to build a car empire. Apparently this is a standard tool for TM games. But the developers of this game made a lot more out of it, with more diverse graphics, different tasks all the time, and a game that has you think, but when you are capable to grasp the basis of strategy you will always know how to improve. I blew some levels the first time, but always got Gold on the second try.
The Story? The local unlikable tycoon wants to evict your grandparents and flatten the family villa, and will succeed unless you win the town's gardening contest.
The Good:
+ diverse tasks
+ great graphics for a TM game
+ lots of achievements, some are tough
+ chaining actions...
+ ...and facilitations that make sense (run faster, build faster etc.)
+ there's a little twist in the story...
The Neutral:
o ...but not all of it makes sense (right before the contest the story called the villa fully fixed when it was not)
o to get some achievements you will have to replay a lot of levels
The Bad:
- some clues for the bonus ribbon (flower patterns) are VERY obscure
Bottom Line: While chaining is available you still will have to click a lot of things, so if that is not your cup of tea then sadly you will be lost. If you manage to complete the My Kingdom for the Princess games you will also manage this one. So, if you are into gardening and TM / Strategy games by all means, play this one!
I recommend this game!
2of 2voted this as helpful.
Louis the Clown and Mr. Dudley are back in an all-new adventure! Travel through the dark corners of history's most famous fairytales to rescue children trapped in a frightening netherworld!
Overall rating 
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4 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Weird: There was no Park
PostedMay 5, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
This game is a continuation of Broken Tune with a new main character, who - a twist that has never been done before, I'm sure - crashes his car and stumbles into the story while trying to get help. It does not continue from the bonus content of BT btw, so this makes said bonus chapter even more a chutzpah.
Back to Scary Tales: Said tales are fairy tales, in which the dolls you have met before are trapped. And of course Louis the Clown and the Joker (no longer the Norse God Loki apparently) are at large. You are supposed to rescue the dolls out of the parallel dimension.
The Good:
+ graphics look much better due to filling the screen
+ videos in the gameplay well done (the few there are)
+ great game length (about 7-8 hours for me)
+ fairy tales were a nice touch
+ helpful hint system
+ diverse mini games...
The Neutral:
o ...some of them recycled from Broken Tune (the kind, not the solution)
o previously found items are placed back into repeated HO scenes
The Bad:
- still lots of senseless to-and-froing (a "Scene complete" would have helped)
Bottom Line: This one is much better than its predecessor. Lame beginning, but the compact locations really help. However, if you play like me, you will much likely use the hint function a lot to check where the next step takes place.
I recommend this game!
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Explore a haunted amusement park in Weird Park: Broken Tune! Investigate a rash of “accidental” deaths and solve the case!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
1 of 2 found this review helpful
This used to be a fun park, but now there is an evil clown
PostedMay 4, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
This game is the final one in the series of those who refused to cooperate with me as it started with an access violation. A complete reinstall of the graphics driver solved that.
This game is about a theme park that I wouldn't want to visit. For once, it only has 5 attractions (Ferris Wheel, Roller Coaster, Shooting Range, Ancient Site with Fortune Teller, Carousel) and three vendors. Other than that it's closed and a murderous clown is on the loose, in addition to (apparently) a Norse God. Then again, as German fantasy aficionados who read Tommy Krappweis' "Mara" trilogy learned, said God isn't that bad a guy, if you know how to handle him...
The Good:
+ decent game length
+ graphics and videos not too bad
+ varied mini puzzles
+ regular HO and FROG scenes (two - items are not put back into the latter scenes)
The Neutral:
o a bucket is named "backet" in one HO scene
o items are put back into traditional HO scenes
The Bad:
- thick black bars to the left and right are a no-go for a CE in my opinion
- due to the lack of locations most HO scenes are repeated ad nauseam
- once you are in the other dimension you are flooded with items
- scare factor is absolute zero (unless you are afraid of clowns)
Bonus Content:
The bonus chapter, while of a decent length, is open ended and has no real story. The walkthrough is one of those useless "Finish the mini game" ones. Dear developers, it would have been nice if you told us HOW. (I had to skip a puzzle because of that. And I hate skipping puzzles.) The only other content is artwork.
Bottom Line: If you are desperate for a Theme Park horror game then play Dreamland, the far superior game. If it has to be this one, get the regular edition, as the bonus content could best be describes as chutzpah.
I don't recommend this game.
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Down by the deep and muddy Mississippi, something’s not right. A ghostly riverboat brings to light a new conspiracy!
Overall rating 
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4 / 5
6 of 6 found this review helpful
The reports of the death of several people in this game are greatly exaggerated
PostedApril 13, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
Review based upon completion of Game and Bonus Content with almost all achievements.
Another of those games that I finally managed to get to cooperate with me after about 2 years. Words of Warning: If you are not familiar with the life of Mark Twain, do read at least the Wikipedia article about his life first - the story will make much more sense to you. And you won't make much sense of the finer things - like the importance of the Halley Comet on Twain's life.
The Good:
+ setting - you can't get much cooler than Mark Twain and the Mississippi
+ graphics (mostly) and videos well done
+ integration of the ghosts
+ diverse mini puzzles
+ collectibles: clovers and ravens (hints)
+ tough achievements
+ find all items mode (after finding 70 clovers)
The Neutral:
o mini puzzles are usually very easy
o story a little bit all over the place
o some riddles solved faster by trial and error than doing it the intended way (especially during the bonus chapter)
The Bad:
- graphics in most scenes very dark (making finding most of the clovers REALLY hard)
- one no-go riddle: while cracking a code using your keyboard is quite ingenious, it can only be solved on an English layout - for a German one the "@" is on the Q-Key, the "^" is to the left of the 1, but you are supposed to turn a steering wheel the number of times to the left and right based upon the corresponding number to the sign
Bonus Content:
The additional chapter is rather short and features Huckleberry Finn. It's a quasi-continuation of the main story, but you do not need it to understand the main game. You will carry over one item from the regular to the bonus story.
The tough main attraction is the "Dem Bones" minigame, centered around the Twain estate in Hartford. You will have to find 80 bones strewn across several screens, and some of them are tiny and really well hidden. Hint. Do not forget that a skull is made from bone too!
The rest is the usual artwork and some wallpapers.
The Bottom Line: If you like the works of Samuel Clemens this game is a must. But the game is not easy, so if you are easily frustrated I can understand passing on it.
I recommend this game!
6of 6voted this as helpful.
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