Those of us who actually played the MCF series from the beginning remember the utter charm, polish, and cool factor of a genuine MCF game.
We eagerly awaited the next MCF title because we knew we were dealing with the industry standard. The best of the best.
We saw that quality slowly erode over time until it's become ... games like this. Very run-of-the-mill and not very inspired. This game could be a part of any other game series out there. Average at best.
Just because a game has MCF in the title that doesn't make it a MCF game. Those are long gone and now it's just a cash grab using the former power of the name.
I'm gonna miss you MCF. "The Last Resort" while fine on it's own accord, utterly fails as an MCF title. This is NOT Mystery Case Files worthy. Plain and simple.
This game had no business being listed as a "Mystery Case Files" offering. It didn't qualify.
MCF used to be a style all their own. You would get super excited to get your hands on a new MCF release. But, the franchise was sold and the quality and creative effort is minimal, and derivative now. Truly sad that MCF is dead.
"The Last Resort" was VERY short, and very simplistic. The graphics were good, but not MCF good. The same thing could be said of pretty much every aspect of this money grab.
Using the MCF name to push inferior games is seriously lame.
As a stand alone title, this would have been more palatable. But with the MCF branding, you expect MCF quality. But this won't give that to you. Regret buying.
Poorly executed sequel to one of the great games, "Ricochet".
The original was a masterpiece. This seems like it was programmed by high school kids. Tons of visual artifacts on the screen make the game almost unplayable.
And the ability to recall to the same screen you were on when you lost your last ship is inexcusable. Replaying the same levels over and over becomes tiresome quickly.
I absolutely loved Ricochet. I was really hoping for a great sequel to that awesome game. But I didn't find it here.
This game is full of visual artifacts ... video fragments left on your screen that shouldn't be there. You are no longer able to "steer" the ball to improve angles and rebounds.
I'm still hoping for another excellent Ricochet game to come out. It has the potential to be a classic game.
I've been a MCF fan since the very first one, Mystery Case Files: Huntsville.
The earlier MCF games were truly hidden object games and were a family favorite. Our entire family would enjoy the games together and the replay value was high.
The new style of MCF games have strayed way too far afield and have lost their original charm. There is almost no hidden object play at all in the new games. The puzzles are convoluted and I'd be willing to bet that the majority of people just skip them.
I would love to see a return to the original style Mystery Case Files games with hidden objects being the main focus.