Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Large File, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
After playing the demo, I am a buyer. I don't know why someone would say too many clicks to do anything unless they're not used to TM games.... you show goods, help at the dressing room, stock shelves and cash people out. You have an option to greet at the door for more tips but don't have to. You get more helpers so you're not frantic trying to help everyone with only one worker. You can train your workers, change the decor, pick what outfits you want to sell before starting each day. For me it's a fun, DIFFERENT game and I am enjoying it.
Cute people, nifty old west music, similar to salon games with with stations to un-zombify instead of the norm. I found myself laughing at the story and zombies running within minutes. What a fun game, and just enough different in it to make it unique! Also my son loves zombies and he will absolutly ADORE this game as much as I do after school today. I bought it right away (Before any complaints of zombies and graveyards could cause it to disappear, lol)
I rejoined the Big Fish Club today after demo'ing this game. it's about darn time there's some TM games out. [b]LIKES[/b]1. I like that there's 5 different stores in the mall, not just new scenery but new products, items to make and layouts in each store. 2. I like that theres 20 levels per store but the next store opens after 15 levels or so. You don't HAVE to finish 1 store to start the next one. 3. I like that there's lots of upgrades, helpers, ghostly bonuses. 4. I was at level 10 of the 1st store when my hour was up, getting gold on each level. At that rate I'm thinking there's quite a bit of playtime still ahead. [b]DISLIKES[/b] 1. I wish I could choose the upgrades in the order I want them, not only the 2 or 3 that the dev's decided each level could offer. 2. There's sometimes a glitch when someone gets stuck and either they get mad and leave or they stand there and the level won't complete. Restarting a few times eventually seemed to solve the problems so far. it seems to have to do with the NPC's wishes popping up and my clicking on either the ? or refill shelf at the same time. It's all about the timing I think and usually I try to let the helper stock the shelf for that pesky person. All that said, I'm really enjoying the game. I consider myself a TM fanatic and have to redo some higher levels to get expert. I've been wanting a brainless clicky game in either the store or diner setting as the country building games have gotten old for me lately.