I found this game very frustrating. During HOSs and when moving around the graphics are extremely good, then during the cutscenes they revert to a very poorly done comic strip type. I personally found the music irritating, and the puzzles and HOSs were easy in the extreme. When compared to a game like the recent and extremely excellent DE "Houdini" this is not worth having in CE.
This is shaping up to be a great series of games. The voice-overs in this one were professional, the graphics top-notch and the music atmospheric and unbtrusive The storyline was excellent and intriguing. The puzzles were not too challenging, and the two different HOSs kept me interested throughout. The length of the game was very good with a great bonus chapter in the CE. I loved it, especially after some disappointing SEs of late.
I hate giving bad reviews but this game just did not do it for me. Although the graphics were OK the bonus items were so obscure that I got to the stage where I didn't care whether I found them or not. The storyline did not grip, and the music was repetitive. I am usually quite tenacious when it comes to HOGs but with nothing to inspire I felt like giving up. I will, of course, get to the end but it will be on a rainy day when I have nothing better to do.
I loved this one - the storyline was original and "lighter" than most. The music was good and the HO's were graphically exceptional. If I were to be picky the video scenes were out of sync, but apart from that the game was perfect.
Another great game in the Midnight Mysteries series (may the devs make many more). Great graphics, great storyline and some amazing illusions. A huge plus for me was that it was CE quality at SE price and I could actually use a bonus credit. I do hope we are going to get a few more of these deluxe editions.
I loved this game as much as the first instalment. The graphics were excellent, the music truly beautiful and the voiceovers extremely well done. The storyline had me hooked from the outset and kept me enthralled for the whole game. The puzzles were relatively easy but still satisfying and the overall length of the game was good.
I made the huge mistake of buying this without trying it first - a mistake NEVER to be repeated. This game was truly awful. Dreadful music, dreadful grammer and dreadful spelling. There was, so far as I am concerned not one redeeming feature in this game. The storyline might have been OK except that the translation was so bad.
While this game had all the elements of a really good HOG, I ended up being a little bit disappointed. Although the graphics were good I found the music score slightly irritating. The hos were well done, and I did like the addition of the ring-style on some. The puzzles were challenging but because of the lack of interaction with the characters I found myself becoming a little bored after a while. However, the game was a good length for a SE and ideal for passing away a couple of hours or so.
This game has everything - great graphics, good soundtrack, excellent puzzles and challenging HOSs - in fact this game is the reason I buy CEs. The game length was good and having a map which enables you to jump from area to area is great. If it had opened in widescreen my cup would have runneth over!! Will definitely be playing this one again. No hesitation in recommending it and hope there's a sequel.
This was a really excellent game. The graphics and voiceovers were well done (although the demon voice was a little too drawn out), and there was a clever use of side bars which effectively gave the game a widescreen effect. The storyline was well thought out and HOS's were clear but not too easy. The puzzles were a little easy but all in all this was a really great game. I especially loved the English accents - hilarious!!