I love the Rescue Team games and have purchased almost all of them. I think besides the very early ones, this one is my least favorite. I mostly found it annoying, rather than fun. First, the constant drone noise in the levels is incredibly irritating. I realize you can play without sound, but I don't want to have to play without sound. Typically the sounds are helpful and I like playing with them on. In this case, not so much. Second, the levels with spike strips are excrutiating for me. I feel like I am just wasting time sitting there waiting there for them to run incredibly slowly and the game is then no longer enjoyable. It's nice that you speed up once you get rid of them, but getting there is not fun. In the store, why are there two instances of "speeds up healing" and "extinguising of fires"? Usually all of the things you can buy are different and meant to help you in your game. Seems like this one got by them. The graphics are good, the storyline is ok, but this one didn't hit the mark for me and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the others.
This game is exactly the same as the first one. I bought it immediately because I figured I would have as much fun with it as I did the first game. Nope. There is no new challenge. The restaurants and dishes are exactly the same. The customers are the same. Half the fun of this game is learning the recipes, being able to remember them, and finishing the level in time with 3 stars. I think all they did here was to change the wording in the comics. I don't play these for the story, I play them for the level challenges. But there were none. Wish I hadn't wasted my money on basically the same game I already have.
I absolutely LOVED the first two Claire games. I purchased both pretty much immediately and have played them both multiple times. I was really excited to see a new game had been released and almost purchased it without playing the trial hour, but I looked at the reviews first and it gave me pause, so I decided to try the trial first. I have to say, I'm disappointed with this one. The first two games were cute - the dialogue was fun, the story line was good, I looked forward to Frank's antics, and I liked the graphics. Gameplay was great. This new game ... like everyone else, they have changed things to try to make things look more "realistic" rather than just focus on making another solid game that people loved. I don't like the new "more realistic" graphics at all. The way the characters move around the restaurant looks weird. They way they move when the dialogue is happening is just disturbing. I don't like that you have to stand at the shake machine the entire time rather than being able to walk away from it and return after you've picked up another item as in the second game. The upgrades in the second game were fun, weren't impressed with them here. The way the characters interact with each other/the dialogue isn't as good as the others. And why aren't they calling Fenry by his name anymore? Now they just refer to him as "the ferret" - which makes it feel more generic. For some reason, that really bothered me. I only played part of the trial (it timed out when I walked away from it), but it was enough to have these observations already so I'm not overly upset to have timed out. I will probably play it through eventually, but I will wait until it shows up elsewhere so I don't have to pay for it. If it were like the first two, I definitely would have bought it already. I don't know why developers always feel the need to change what's working. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This was disappointing to me. I hope the next one will be like the first two.
I absolutely loved the Jane's Hotel series from long ago. I was so excited about this game that I bought it immediately. But it's a far cry from the old games. It seems like the developers spent most of the game development working on the characters rather than game play. The dialogue is just painful and there is no option to skip it. You can't undo actions like the other games so if you click on something you didn't mean to, it messes up the whole level. I don't know of a single place that would continue to employ anyone who could only carry one thing at once - the poor maid has to run back and forth to deliver the same exact thing multiple times. Really, you should be able to carry more than one set of towels or blankets, or give her a cart. The last hotel gives me a terrible headache having to move the screen back and forth constantly. It takes forever to water the plants. Unlike the old games, you don't have people checking in and out in the later levels, just one set of 6 guests who keep asking for things. I liked it better when you got new guests throughout the level. Most levels, Jane just sits there at the desk while the unfortunate maid is running around the entire time, trying to get things done before everyone gets mad, which is sometimes impossible. I bought this game, but wish I hadn't. It's just frustrating.
When I first played this, I wasn't sure about it. I think I was in the wrong mood. Came back to it later and absolutely loved it! It is similar to Royal Envoy and I'm glad someone made something like it as I absolutely loved that series. I've played Islandville 4 times now and I still have to figure out what I'm doing so it hasn't gotten old for me at all. No gameplay issues at all, which is awesome. They set up the story line for a part 2 and I hope it comes soon!
I love the Golden Rails series. This game was pretty fun - enough of the usual gameplay we love but some new things thrown in. There was one level relatively early on that froze up on me at the end and wouldn't complete - not sure which level it was, but you had to build 4 sections of overpass. I did this and it just continued without completing. I replayed the level and built the overpass sections from left to right and it let me complete the level. This game was fun but I definitely liked Road to Klondike better. It was more fun to be able to buy things on the train that gave you a benefit, like a discount on wood and food, train moving faster, etc. There is no benefit to buying anything in the Expedition and it takes forever, so that's a little disappointing. The bandit levels in this game make me dizzy and give me a headache. They were much more fun in Klondike, with the added benefit of trying not to shoot the woman. Overall a good game though. I bought it and am not disappointed.
I don't even know how many times I've played this now. It is so much fun for me. Story line is engaging, characters are awesome - I love how Frank keeps getting himself in trouble! I really have no complaints about this game at all. The one thing I might like to see is a description of the food items because I find myself wondering what they are, but that's not a complaint at all. I hope the developer continues making these games because this one and the first one are my go to when I need to relax and I'd love to have more!
I love the other Rescue Team games and have bought them all from 5 up. Love the story lines and game play is always fun. I was surprised to see the review rating as low as it is, because usually these games have high reviews. I'm glad I decided to read the reviews before automatically purchasing this, as I have done with all the others. I recommend playing the free trial before you buy. I just couldn't get into this game and it really wasn't fun for me at all. I hope they will continue to make the usual games and not turn this series into a Build-A-Lot style game from now on. It was quite confusing at first and once I figured it out, I was just bored. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The other games were fun. This was just disappointing, in my opinion.
I'm only on Level 3 but I had to stop and write a review! Another game came out the other day and I thought it was going to be like Rescue Team but it is what I would generously call a sad knock off. I went back and started playing Rescue Team 6 and then discovered this was out! Can't comment on the story line yet because I haven't gotten far enough but I am really happy to see this game since nothing good has come out for quite a while, in my opinion. This one seems very smooth, which is really nice. Definitely buying this one so I can play it repeatedly as with all the others!
I really wanted to like this game but I was bored immediately and that never went away. I guess I need to be in different locations with clear goals and this just didn't do it for me. Cute game as far as graphics, but just not my thing.