Great game! Really loved the story line and the fact that there could be a sequel. Not near enough TM games on BF games. My favorite TM game is Sweet Kingdom, and there has never been a sequel. Makes me sad. The best TM game ever!! I finished this game in less than a week, so really could have been longer. All in all it was a great TM game. I recomend this game for sure!!
It is about time! I was so excited when the 3d game came out and then was really disappointed after playing it. I know the creators were trying to update the game but the last couple games have been epic fails. This game however is back on track. It is updated yet back to more the old version which is what us Farm Frenzy freaks love. We love the old versions. So good job Farm Frenzy creators you nailed it this time!! Can hardly wait to see what you come up with next!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I am a huge FF fan. Own all the games. I have played them all many times and still love all of them except FF 4. That was a disaster, as far as I am concerned. Was very excited April 1st to see a new FF sequel. 100 times better than FF 4 but still not as good as all the original FF games. The double clicking is very annoying. The booster button, is not in a good spot. When it is open it interferes with upgrades and if you close it, then you forget you have bonuses. Those are the only two complaints I have, but all in all another great FF game!
I loved this game! Haven't played a great TMG since Royal Envoy. This game is challenging, but not next to impossible to get gold like it is in Sweet Kingdom. I knew within 3 minutes of playing that I would buy this game. The graphics are great, the storyline is good, and the game is great fun! Thank-you BF for a new great TMG!!! Give us more! :)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I have been waiting so long it seems for another good TM game to come out. Finally! This game is very similar to Royal Envoy, which I loved and own both. I love Farm Frenzy games, and Island Tribe too. I would love to see more games like this come out to add to my collection of games. Too many HOG's and not enough TM/strategy games. I love building things, growing things and selling them. This game has it all!