Wait forever for a legit TM game but this one is ignoring. I hate the lizard, or whatever it is. The ignoring bleep after customers pays WOW i can't stand it. Usually when I buy a TM game I play it as soon as I buy it, but this one did not meet my requirements at all.
Horrible game. No challenge and it's the same thing repeated. not worth the price to me and definitely is NOT a Collection Item. Need more games like Julie's Sweet.
I don't recommend this game.
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The Love Boat™: Second Chances Collector's Edition
Get ready for a new time management adventure with the Love Boat crew!
Overall rating
1/ 5
PostedJuly 4, 2019
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
WOW this game is so boring. It's not challenging and I feel asleep waiting for it to get better. There should be some kind of criteria to be a collection game. This is NOT. My 6 year old granddaughter even got bored with this game. Horrible I say horrible.
Love this game. It's face pace, challenging and fun. I need more TMG like this one. No mini games just getting down to time and management. LOVE LOVE IT.
I love true TMG..but this game is so easy and "collectible" I think not. I consider myself an expert and this game did not give me the challenge I so enjoy. The picture was great but it was to easy. I have my ganddaughter playing it and sse's five years old. I wait so long for TMG and just to be disappointed. I bought it while it was on sale and played and expert it in one day. Please make these games challenging.
It's true. I crave TMG, the true TMG are few. This game is boring, slow and NOT fun. Please, the clicking you have to click over and over and it's just a boring game. I bought it on discount only because I crave TMG, but what a dissappointment.
I wait forever, it seems for a TRUE time managment game. One without building roads, cleaning roads etc., which, I feel isn't a true TMG..I was not trill with this game. I am not into animals, just me. I bought it anyway because I am in desperated need of a TMG.. That being said, this game was boring not entertaining at all. The mini games were not accurate at times. Please provide TMG more frequently.
Wonderful game. I love TM games and this one is amazing. I wait and wait and grow impatient then WHAM, it's here. My heart starts beating rapidly and I get so excited and buy immediately. I consider myself an expert at TMG, and yes this one has me fulfilled to the extreme. Challenging, fun and graphic. I say MORE MORE MORE and MORE frequently.
I love TMG..I wait for eternity, it seems that way. Finally get one and its just okay. It's just to easy. I bought it thinking it would get harder, but, it didn't. Played the expert part and it was the same, to easy. Maybe I'm becoming an expert expert with these games. I need a more challenging game. I even fell asleep playing this one. I would definitely recommend this game if you enjoy nonchallenging games
I LOVE these "Angela" tmg..This one is just as fun as the others. I say keep them coming and don't take so long in between. Level of challenge was great and I can do without the storyline and I'm glad I could easily skip these. LOVED IT more please.