one of the few solitaire games i have ever finished. sometimes it takes strategy to finish. i think i had to replay 4 or 5 levels to finish the game. that is ok. you earn coins to buy extras to help you finish the game. i love it! it has 200 levels.
you are going to another world to save this one. then you have to take care of things there in order to come back to this world. good hint system. i played on custom.
you have been called to a friend's house that has been overtaken by water. he is very frightened for himself and his daughter. he had lost his wife before this. you need to figure what is going on and the water problem is cropping up all over the house. his late wife was working on something at the dam near their home and so that is where you investigate. she was murdered even though his was told differently. you are there to expose the truth.
you are called in to investigate how to stop the enemy from destroying the forest. you need to heal others on your trek. there are 4 levels and i played on the custom one. there is a good hint system. i am sure there will be another one. this is series.
this is a great HO game with a good hint system. it tells the story of marco polo and the device he built to keep venice from sinking. they had to destroy some houses to build and that family is still swearing vengeance on the people that hold the pearl. every thing is about the pearl. i played on custom. of course there will be another one.
this is a long game-100 levels- but i only had to restart 2 levels. of course i played on the custom level. once you earn the power ups you refill them by making matches. there is a good selection and the closer i got to level 100 i had to use more than 1 in the level to get through it.
your sister has been taken by "something " but you don't know what. you are on the trail to find her. you have never let her down and don't plan to start now. you will do whatever it takes to find her. you wind up in a place where the victims lose their memories. you help some along the way. it is set up to have a sequel. this is a serial game. i played on the custom level. there is a good hint system
a great HO. you are trying to free souls that have been captured. you have three pillars that have to be destroyed. it is a long game. i played on the custom level. good hint system. of course there will be another one. after all it is a series.
you have been raised by your uncle and go on an adventure looking for the reason you have a mark on your arm that a flaming bird comes out of. you discovered an egg and when you touched it it sent the bird into you. it protects you but you have questions about it. you have an uncle that helps you. you run into other people that help you as well. i played on custom and there is a hint system.
you are chasing down different people that have received a chimera with their picture and name on it. it all has to do with the execution of an innocent man 12 years ago. you need to help people along the way to get things you need. at the end you take on the person behind all this. good hint system. i played on the custom level.