there were so many hos scenes, that it took away the value of the games. this game badly need an interactive map. disjonted story line, and had i realised that this wouyld be nearly all HOS then i would never have bought it. for those who like that, then you'll no doubt love it.
sufficiently spooky, very drab dark depressing which of course its supposed to be., most of its been said, so i wont go there, but i'd would have liked too know what she saw as the asylum door opened, i thought the story of the extra daughter would have been resolved, are they doing a sequal if so then i wont buy it just for that! found several techy probs with it, exiting error when i was starting chapter 2, curser jumpy at times, sound cant be turned totally off, and that was a pest, because sometimes it got too much. if you can out up with all that like i had to, then good luck
I CANT RECOMMEND THIS AT ALL, ITS VERY WOODEN, DATED, AND ABSOLUTELY boring! theres nothing i like about it, and this will teach me to trial a game 1st. If you like nearly all of it, as hidden object scenes, then this is your game. it only has the hint button for the hos games, so yr out of luck if you dont know where to go next, just revert to looking up a walkthrough. Wasted good money only to consign it to the trash can. Trial it 1st!
If you've arrived at my 2 pennuth, then you dont want a repeat of how the game plays. i liked it to a degree, but theres a lot of backwards and forwards, however the map is a ,massive help with this. some say the music was not intrusive, well i beg to differ, it really got on my nerves! plus some sounds, like a constantly squeaking mouse in the cellar, which carried on into the hog in that scene, thank goodness i can control my sound outside of the game, when this happens. puzzles were good. i hate hos scenes, but devs rarely do an adventure without them mores the pity, so i opted for the match 3 mostly, as its quicker anyway. i dont regret buying it, because its obvious that a lot of work has gone on to produce this game. the vampire lover is most attractive, and you really feel so sorry for him in the end, but which do you choose, a life in darkness, or the light of day, the choice is yours lol lol lol
game ok, and its based on playing the full game. full screen, is not a full screen on mine, they could make the effort to make their graphics fill the screen, why else would they have a full screen option in the 1st place.
those who like lots of hos scenes then your in luck, i personally prefer puzzles or none at all, but they cater for all tastes, so i cant expect the minority to get what they wish.
i recommend it, because i'm thinking of the majority rather than myself, a lot of twoing and froing , but its ok. didnt grip me like some games
played better, but hey, its darned difficult to please everyone. i dont like hos for instance, and would prefer just puzzles. but we cant have everything we want. i like the travelling through portals and different weird scenes, and charging up the artifact, which acts an aid throughout the game i believe. worth buying, i'm about to do just that, lol
It passed the time away i guess, the ending was abysmal, storyline lame to say the least. Voices are grating, music far too over the top, best without it! not much of a challenge, too many hos, and not enough adventure, too much traipsing all over the place you forget where everything is at. puzzles, most are ok though this game really needed an interactive map, it would perhaps, not been as much as a drag. I would have only got this as a freebie/game credit had i not bought it on what the other comments said, in future i'll give it more thought. ideal i think for beginners, i found this game ridiculous, but i would recommend it for beginners
I don't recommend this game.
0of0voted this as helpful.
Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Thrills abound as the ghost-hunters from the hit A&E TV show "Paranormal State" race to solve terrifying Civil War hauntings.
Found it difficult to grasp items in the hidden objects games, also difficult to click items off, once found, found this very annoying and inconvenient, so i gave up after 30 mins because i lost patience with it
I don't recommend this game.
2of3voted this as helpful.
The Missing: Island of Lost Ships
After setting out to search for your missing friend, you find yourself trapped on the mysterious Island of Lost Ships.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
HI, Tried to complete a hopa game which contains a VOLLEY BALL! you have to inflate it, trouble is, no matter how long i endeavoured to pump it up, the thing would not do it!! i spent over 4 minutes trying, untill i conceded defeat, how crazy is this!!, needless to say i cant go any further, so i think that if interactive objects arent going too work, and i cant progress, then its pointless buying a duff game
not a bad game at all, though i did have to go finf the walk through, because i did not know where the heck the ice rink was, not realising that it was not a ready made one, and was situated out side the flipping p/office etc. lots of trapesing around mind u and without the benefit of an interactive map, which is sorely needed, however i still enjoyed it