FINALLY A FROG! ! ! Feels like it's been forever since a well made one showed up. Smooth game play, love the cursor, no lagging, always have full screen. Have been playing 2 hours so far to see how it runs...For now, see ratings. Will post a review upon completion in the forum. First time posting here. I'm a sucker for F-R-O-Gs, great visuals/sound, a well done storyline, fairytales, fantasy, castles and when all these things are in one game, I can't ask for more....except more FROGS please. I had recently cancelled after being here for many years. It didn't take much to buy this game outright after viewing the video and the dev's reputation for the kinda games I like. Thank you BFG! ! ! This is why I joined BFG in the first place! See you in the review forums.