This is my favorite all time game, and I am a senior citizen. I can't possibly be in a bad mood when I play this game.
It may not be as sophisticated as the other rush games (which I do love), but how can you not love Snowy and Browny. I especially love making Snowy sing, just wish I could understand his lyrics.
I had this game several years ago on a former computer and lost the game when I got my new computer and was not able to get the game back.
I haven't bought any games lately because I am so tired of the dark, depressing games that everyone seems to like so much. I was so happy today when I saw the HD version of Snowy. I have my Snowy back!
Like others have said, it is very much like the other gardenscapes games, but that can be a good thing. I think the graphics are much sharper in this game.
I was so glad to see this game come out. I am so sick of dark scary games, that I just won't buy them anymore. It is so nice to see a happy, colorful, bright game.