This game can be a great game or a so-so game, depending on people's preferences. So it's one of those that I advise trying the demo first and then decide for yourselves.
As far as I'm concerned, its entertaining, easy to play, with nice and clear graphics, but otherwise nothing new nor exciting.
The storyline is the usual strange house and a child that needs to be saved, but this time she's trapped in a fairy land. The graphics are unusually clear and quite beautiful. The music is very soft and the voice over has a nice british accent. It is an easy game to play, with very good hints in the journal and the hint button. Also the minigames have an instruction button. I don't know if this game is worth the extra cash for the CE version, but it is definitely a nice game to play.
But otherwise nothing special. Dark blurry scenes... Maybe I've been around for too long, maybe I've played too many games, but 25 minutes into the demo I uninstalled it.
Referring to Grim Tales: The Bride, that I really enjoyed playing. This one is not very different. I consider it very entertaining in all aspects, indeed quite a relaxing game to play and take my mind off the unpleasant aspects of day to day life, and I most probably will buy it.
This game has one excelent thing; a button that allows the control of the brightness of the graphics, which are are good, The voice off is very nice and clear.
But then, right on the first scene that are lots of details locked, available only in the CE. Which means that just by playing the demo I cannot judge the interest of the CE version of the game.
Based on the demo, after just 25 minutes I got bored to death. And so, If the forthcoming SE version is just like that, then this is a no-no for me.
And that's why I can not qualify or recommend the game, nor will I buy it, because I feel I didn't have material enough to form an opinion.
Well, I only played the demo. Based on that, I consider the storyline quite interesting and Ieft me wondering how it will end.
The music is annoying, but then rare are the games with good music, so nothing special about it.
The puzzles and game are very interesting.
But... the graphics on the HOS are, very definitely, NOT for people with vision problems. Can't remember the last time I had to use the hint button so many times to be able to locate the objects, That, considering the rest of this game, is a pity.