I finished the game - enjoyed it, graphics were great, etc, etc. It was disappointing, however, that the collectibles & mice were quite difficult to find without having to use the guide to find the locations. Makes it somewhat hard on "older" eyes. Don't know why developers have to make some of the collectibles so difficult to find.
Alas, I missed 2 mice - NO opportunity to go back and find them - also, does not appear to be any kind of CE worthy "extra" once main & bonus game are completed.
In all - it was an okay game. I enjoyed playing it, but it certainly was not up to par for a CE game, for me anyway.
I finished the game today - it was okay for some entertainment. Certainly not in line with the other Chimera games, but I enjoyed the day playing it and just relaxing with it.
I do love all the "extra" stuff to find in all the scenes - for me, it adds to the game.
anyway, I did enjoy it and took me most of the day. Thanks BF.
well, I bought it and played it through, however, can't say it was a favorite of mine. Certainly not one that I would replay. Far too much cut scenes and dialogue, and as was mentioned in another review, far too much usage of the phone taking pictures of everything. Plus, there was nothing in the Extras. Didn't think this warranted being a CE game.
I bought this game when it was first released mid Sept. I finally got around to playing it today - FROG games are not my favorite, but since it was a new CE game that had come out, I bought anyway.
I am still making my way through this game, on Chapter 9, and I've been playing on and off most of the day. I find the graphics are a bit on the blurry side - I found it very hard to find the items in the FROG scenes (a lot were very small) and some of the scenes were quite dark. The puzzles were okay, some I skipped.
One of my "pet peeves" is that at times the cursor is grayed out, thereby forcing one to wait for whatever is being said or done to end before one can move on.
I will finish the game but will not be one that I would replay.
I bought this game (somewhat reluctantly) was not really sure about it, but got on a sale price. As I have gotten farther into the game, I find there's too much "screen jumping/movement", a heck of a lot of cut scenes and conversations. Everywhere one goes in this game, there's yet another puzzle. I enjoyed the others in the series, not so much this one. But, since I bought it, I will continue on with it until I finish it.
Alas, not a game that I will replay. But, that's just my opinion. I know many others loved the game. Just was not one for me.
so - I got this game with a PCC - enjoying it - I do love HOPA games - those are my favorite games - I would not consider this a "hidden object" game, per se - but it's an enjoyable game when one needs to clear their mind from all the trials & tribulations of the day - it's relaxing, don't really need to think - just have to recognize what it is that one has to collect. I have a few of the "clutter" games, and they quite relax me at the end of a long day. In all - a nice game to just relax with.
I love hidden object games - however, I don't like when I am timed ! I play to relax - not to be in a frenzy to try to "beat the clock" or have to replay a scene because I didn't get the "stars". Oh well - others may well like the game and consider it fun. I did not. so be it.
ALAS - not my cup of tea for this game. I tried it, didn't like. That's not to say others may think it is a great game. Just not for me. So, I will carry on re-playing my current games & keeping fingers X'd that there's 2 new HOPA's coming out this coming week.
so I just finished this game. I didn't mind it. But was somewhat disappointed. I missed 2 of the collectibles, could not go back and retrieve them. nothing else, other than the standard stuff & some replayable HOPS games and mini games - no secret room, no souvenir room, no ultimate HOP. so many developers are not putting in enough extras to make a CE game worth buying.
So, yes, this was disappointing. I am on the fence about whether or not I would recommend or not, but would actually have to end up saying no.