It is a while since I have played a 'Big City Adventure' so thought I would give it a try to see how they had come on. Well...the answer is "Not a lot!"
New features are "Achievements", though they do not do much to enhance the game. Occasionally you have a sandcastle postcard to collect (20 in all for a secret bonus later) but, having searched the first scene for one, I realised a couple of levels further on that they appear as one of the list items.
Like all the previous BCA games I have played, this follows a classic format of HOS (with a couple of 'zoom in' items) then a simple puzzle to get to the next HOS etc, etc. I find the HOSs frustrating as the objects are sometimes very tiny or camouflaged in an identically coloured background.
Scenes are very 'busy', though enjoyable for their relevance to the city in question. Music is repetitive and, in this case, a samba which soon became irritating.
I know these games are a 'classic' and many enjoy the experience of travelling the world from the comfort of their arm chair, but they are not for me. I like a story and characters I can really identify with or grow to care about.
Despite the 2-4-1 sale today, I will not be purchasing.
I do enjoy match 3 when I want a relaxed gaming moment. You can play the challenge version which gives you limited moves if you want more of a thinking game.
There are 3 modes which you can change for each stage if you choose, and you can spin the board.
I normally avoid this type of game but, having nothing better to do and being a bit bogged down with Nancy Drew, decided something lighter was in order.
OK, it's a bit repetitive (especially the music and sounds) but after a while I got into the knack of it, keeping my little gremlins running and topping up my supplies.
I really quite enjoyed it in the end.
If you have not tried one of this type of game before, give it a go. It makes a welcome change. If you regularly play these then you might find the story line an enjoyable change and can certainly rise to the time challenge (it doesn't matter if you don't 'beat the clock' as you can carry on playing the level which is good).
Something for everyone here and suitable for all the family.
I am sure mahjong fans will enjoy the take on this game. As well as clearing boards, you must supply your customers needs as they appear in your book shop, their hearts depleting as you try to meet their needs until the dreaded pulse begins.
I admit I only completed half the demo as I was a) finding the music very repetitive and irritating (yes, you can turn it off but then you just have an awful silence) b) I prefer a more relaxing game and I found myself getting anxious as the time ran down (silly I know)
Being a novice at this type of game, I didn't manage to work out the tricks and strategies, but I am sure someone will be along in a minute to fill in those details.
If you enjoy this type of challenge and are a skilled player then this will probably be absolutely your cup of tea.
Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! Just finished the trial and I have no choice! I have to have this game! How could you finish the trial there?
I am not going to tell you anything about the story/events - that would only spoil your enjoyment.
Now fellow players will know that I do not give 5 stars lightly and, this being, I believe, the 6th installment of this story, you might expect some complacency or repetition. NOT A CHANCE! This is just fantastic!
You go through the whole gamut of emotions within the very long trial, driven by the story and the challenges you face. How I got through rescuing the centaur's child while he sobbed in pain, I will never know!
You can read on for the game details if you like, but I say, "Just buy it! It is amazingly, gobsmackingly good!"
You probably do need to have played the other games to fully understand the story, but there are a few clues at the beginning to fill you in if you haven't.
Visuals and sound are just superb! Voices and the language they use is absolutely appropriate, nicely archaic to suit the genre of the story. Graphics are wonderfully colourful, characters are drawn beautifully with fantastic expression.
The gameplay I found challenging, mainly because it is too long since we had a game with puzzles and challenges of such complexity. I made too many assumptions and then slapped my forehead in frustration when I realised what I was REALLY being asked to do.
Puzzles crop up in unexpected places and in unique ways. HOSs are awesome! Don't be fooled that they just look like word list or silhouettes!
CE stuff: * 8 achievements, but really good ones in my view * 15 lilies to find (quite easy) * 45 collectibles - I am unsure what these are at the moment. * Other usual bonuses
Enough now! I am off to buy and play. Do I recommend this game? It's a no-brainer!
OK, so here we have the next version of "Demon possesses character to pursue his nefarious aims".
Abraham Shadowy is the luckless victim this time and is inviting people to his hotel, including your ever helpful friend James. Unfortunately, he invited you along to do the 'leg work' (although James does have his uses, bringing you occasional useful objects and making helpful suggestions as to what you might do next)and the Demon is not pleased.
This is yet another (in my view) in a recent seemingly long sequence of CEs which have great potential but fall well short of the mark, so I am sorry, fellow players, but be prepared for a rant!
We have: * atmospheric music and sounds which tend to go on too long after the 'scary bit'. * pretty decent but dark artwork with some very cluttered scenes * black smoke
There are achievements to earn - all puzzle and HOS related BUT (and I have moaned about this SO many times) why would you have "Find 10 objects in 10 seconds" AND "Finish an HOS in MORE than 10 minutes"? I want to be able to check out the achievements and then set myself the challenge of earning them, but I will never just pop off and make a cup of tea before clicking the last item just to earn an achievement. It's pointless! Another one is "Complete the game" - well who is going to buy the CE and then not be bothered to finish it? Aaaarrrggghhh!
Now, about puzzles and HOSs...
HOSs are lists with a couple of highlighted words - OK got that. All contain a 3x same item or 5x same item - just feels lazy to me. But of the items is sometimes hidden, but the colour of the word doesn't change! Maybe this is how I can earn that 10 mins+ achievement, but it is just frustrating as you click on everything to see if it moves away. Oh and when items are misnamed...don't get me started. I am looking for a COMB not a BRUSH!
Puzzles were either fairly easy or nearly impossible. Not impossible because of the quality of the puzzle but because of the instructions. When it tells me to line some things up, I try to do that and then, discovering by chance that I have to click and find a random order, it becomes a simple trial and error puzzle. In another, I am told to "select and drag" to swap items. Doesn't work! Thinking I have a glitchy game, I try clicking on a pair to swap and hey presto!
Gameplay? Well thank goodness there is a jumpable map as, once you are into the hotel, it is a case of 'Do one thing, find an object, go to the other end of the game, use the object, find what you needed at the first location, jump back, use it, etc, etc, etc! The map has player location and active area (yes, only one at a time!) but you don't need it here as you have just come from that location and know you need to go back to light that candle with the matches you have just found or unscrew those bolts with the hex key!
One last thing - collectibles. You have egyptian artefacts to find. I found three purely by chance when randomly clicking in desperation for something more to do in a scene when I had found the required item.
I hope you like this more than me. Do take the free trial. I cannot recommend this game in its current form so I am off to the dentist to restore my gnashed teeth!
It could have been so good! It should have been so good!
An artist has made a pact with Death and, when he paints you, you are absorbed into the gothic background and trapped.
This game has so much promise: * a interesting potential storyline * collectibles (15 canvas fragments, 33 pearls) * achievements * morphing objects to find (and they are very tricky!)
I was thrilled at the prospect, then the frustration and disappointment began! * Graphics are grey and washed out in every scene * Music started well, but became repetitive and annoying * First HOS was silhouettes with a couple of simple interactions. OK, but some tiny, cluttered items which were hard to find. (Will you achieve the 3 items in 1 second achievement? Hats off to you if you do!) Thereafter they were word lists and clearly containing objects that you might need, but you don't get. Does this mean you are coming back? * A few puzzles but oh, so simple! * Map is jumpable, but with no indication of active areas so you either write things down or use the hint. * Oh yes, the hint! A silly giggling angel, who falls asleep if you use her for anything except direction.
I now have a real dilemma as to whether to buy this. I want to know the outcome of the story, I want to rescue the other victims, I want to find out what the ghosts have to do with it. But I don't want to be frowning, tutting and pressing the hint all the time.
I hope other reviewers find something in it that I have missed so that I can merrily press 'buy' and restart with enthusiasm. Do give it a try and let me know!
This feels like another dig-up from the past. Missing girls, cloaked figure, but set in reality, not fantasy. It is constantly raining so everything is dull and dismal, little effort wasted on colour here!
Gameplay is straightforward. Simple HOSs which are also dismal. I just used the flashlight all the time! Some items mis-named, which is frustrating. Simple puzzles. If you find something you can't do yet, don't worry - a pick-up or HOS will be along in a second.
There is some back-tracking so the jumpable map is useful. HOSs are visited twice. Music is repetitive and just awful.
I might have stuck with this for the story, though I can already make a good guess at whodunnit. I could turn the sound off, brighten my screen settings, but why should I? I am buying a whole package, not just some interactive pictures. This is a no buy for me. Try it for sure, You might disagree.
I am not going to dwell on the story, nor go into detail as this will spoil some of the unique surprises of this game. Suffice to say, a 'haunted' house has appeared suddenly and you join the the first guided tour. You soon realise there is so much more to this house than just ghosts and you will need all your seeking, puzzle solving and thinking skills to achieve your objectives.
I played on expert and skipped a couple of the longer puzzles in order to advance. By the end of the demo I had played for 53 minutes and completed 16% of the game so for me, this will be a nice, long haul.
The puzzles are great, similar ideas to those we have seen before, but needing some deep, logical thinking. Only one, involving painting, was a little simple.
At first I was disappointed to see what appeared to be simple lists for HOSs, but there is more to them than initially meets the eye.
Fairly obvious pick-ups are scattered around but, again, some needed constructing and further pieces found in other scenes.
There are many CE extras: * I was intrigued by the "Story" extra, which had a number of empty plinths. As you meet new characters, a little flag whizzes out and back from the right hand side of the screen. Popping back to the menu, I found that statues of these characters were appearing. Hmmm, interesting! * There are 46 heart medallions hidden in the scenes to collect * 15 achievements to earn, mainly relating to speed in HOSs and not skipping puzzles, though there is one for completing the game in "Professional" (the hardest mode) and another for completing a HOS in more than 10 minutes (aaaargh!). I defy anyone to earn them all! * Only three levels of challenge (Casual/Expert/Professional) * There is a jump map, which you have to pick up, showing location and active objectives. * I could not find the Strategy Guide, but then I rarely use it anyway.
All in all, I loved it and it is a definite buy for me. It had some new ideas, some new puzzles and the 'key' of the story, which I am not going to tell you, is very well done through the clever visual effects.
Holding her puppy, a girl stands near a cliff edge waiting to meet someone. Behind her, a dark figure releases its menacing dogs ...
Your nephew, James, calls you to report that his sister, Elizabeth, is gone and he is accused of killing her. You head off to the hearing, where you have been called to use your time-travelling powers to provide the court with evidence. Sifting through the evidence, you find an item that resonates strongly with your psychic powers and transport back to the time-frozen family home to find the truth.
I immediately became immersed in this new take on a familiar theme. The gameplay is challenging enough to be thoroughly enjoyable and, because the scene is frozen in time, you do not get helpful clues or objects from the characters you encounter. As you find significant clues, they are added to an additional inventory (space for 5 clues and I found 3 during the demo), the significance of which will no doubt become clear as this first chapter/phase of the game progresses.
There are a mixture of HOSs and puzzles, both of which required some effort and thought. HOSs were lists with several interactive items. Puzzles had a freshness, which I enjoyed.
There are 3 levels of challenge and, playing on casual for the demo, I was a little dismayed to see a tutorial box pop up on occasion when you had a + item in your inventory. When I decline the tutorial, I mean it!
There is plenty of CE bling for those who like it: * 10 achievements * 13 figurines to collect which, once you have 4, reveal more of the family history * 35 morphing objects * Hint system teleports if necessary * Map is jumpable and shows current objectives
Music and ambient sounds (I especially like the coughing in the otherwise silent courtroom) are appropriate.
Graphics were sometimes a little fuzzy and scenes are quite big so you sometimes have to zoom in on quite tiny areas in the distance.
Although I thought the storyline was excellent, it was spoiled for me by the presence of a dark, smoky presence who kept threatening your character. I know we technically met it in the opening sequence and, because everything always has a happy ending, we know that James probably didn't kill his sister, but I would have liked that to have remained a possibility a little longer.
All in all, however, I thoroughly enjoyed the game and will definitely purchase the full version. Give it a try. Even if you prefer puzzles to HOSs, I think there is enough in this game to please all.