I absolutely loved the first seven Clutter Games and I still play them over and over. After the seventh, not so much. With this new installment there are just too many tiny spinning objects and I can't see anything very well. I skipped through a good many of them and only found a few worth playing. I play on Windows PC and wondering if games are only designed to play on tablets and phones now, instead of computers. I won't be buying any more newer ones — they give me a headache.
Why would the game developers use a font so small you can't see it? All of the print at the bottom of the screen is very small and since I can't read the tiny instructions for minigames, I am not able to figure them out. The game itself was okay, but not up to the Ravenhearst series standards. This was a waste of money. I uninstalled it.
I tried playing the demo and found that only part of the game appeared on my screen. It was like the game was too big to fit it all on there. The flatbread was hidden somewhere off to the left outside the playing field and I was only able to get to it by clicking on a little bit of what was maybe a frying pan, I couldn't see what it was. And when it wanted me to put a fan into a lane, I couldn't see or get to that at all. So I never made it into the 4th level. I tried all different screen resolutions but nothing worked. What a disappointment since this looks a lot like Plants vs Zombies and I really would have liked it.
Nice addition to all the other Clutter games with some interesting tweaks. Way better than the last one. I love it!
***a note to Shosuro: you can toggle the timer on and off by hovering over the green check mark by the lap counter. A popup will let you turn the timer off.
I have purchased all the other Christmas Wonderland games and this one is on a par with the others, although I think a little harder to find objects. The only reason I did not give this five stars is because in playing the demo, I could not get past the instruction to click on your trophies. There was no trophy there to click on. I clicked all over the place and it wouldn't do anything, so I couldn't even finish the demo. Disappointing.
I made the mistake of buying this before doing the demo because the Christmas games sale would be over before I got to it. Terrible mistake. Everything is too small to see and not enough hints to even finish the first level. A total waste of money. I do not recommend this game.
I knew right away I would love this game. Just the right amount of EVERYTHING! And I like that I can skip the dialogue since I don't read that stuff anyway. So why only 4 stars? So many clicks are not responsive and I end up clicking two or three times for each step. Really annoying when you click a character and click to send him to a seat, but Amber runs over there and the character is still in the waiting line. The other thing is that there is too much time wasted showing the final screen of each minigame. I just want to get back to the game! I hope a fix will be be sent for the responsiveness issue. I would have really liked to give this 5 stars.
This is by far THE BEST clutter game yet! I just can't stop playing even after 3 months. The only one that comes close is the first Clutter. Love the challenge of Clutter V and the music is great. The other clutter games (and I've got them all) ended up being frustrating when you couldn't skip a puzzle or, as in the case of black & white clutter puzzles, unckeck them from coming up. Also, in the other games I ended up muting since the music became just annoying after a while. There's nothing not to love about Clutter V and I can't wait for the next version!