I thought it was ok but pretty predictable and I played on Expert. Can not imagine it in the casual mode. If you're an experienced player you probably want to pass on this one. The 'bubble' games were rather insufferable and there were quite a few.
I was disappointed in this game. You search and search areas and there are very few items to ever get and it's kind of a time waster. All the searching areas for nothing gets to be annoying. I also don't like games that you have to write stuff down. I like a challenging mini game but I don't want to have to use a pen and paper to solve it. If I had played the trial version first I wouldn't have bought it.
Wouldn't have bought it if there had been a trial game
PostedApril 27, 2015
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
It's too dark, the navigation is monotonous and who wants a game where you can be killed periodically? I see why they didn't offer a trial version. Few would buy it. Sorry I bought it.
At first it was kind of easy but then it became more and more difficult and I liked that a lot. Played it timed but muted it because couldn't stand the music and the clacking of the sliding tiles. I was addicted and played till 4 in the morning. I also LOVED the blurry puzzle to complete. Very different. This is a game that I will play again