I agree with the other reviewers that Bistro Boulevard is a better game, in general, but I enjoyed playing through this game, though it felt short.
For the cons: The graphics are pretty mediocre. Buying the higher level build objects required 30-45 seconds of solid clicking until you scrolled far enough over to get the item you wanted (and heaven forbid if you're trying to find a specific item for a task and it doesn't look like what you're expecting!).
I didn't mind having to move around the staff - I found it added a level of interaction and challenge to the "days" that was missing in Bistro Boulevard. With a little experimentation, I found a good way of specializing the staff for each store. I will admit that moving around the staff was sometimes hampered by the poor graphics.
Overall, definitely give the game the full 60 minute trial to see if you like it.
If you like farm games, you'll probably get a few hours of fun out of this game. I'd also recommend it to anyone who hasn't played a farm time management game before, as it's not very challenging and pretty simple to learn.
My biggest pet peeve was that, during the later levels, when they added in additional requirements after the level had started, sometimes the new requirements were added to the top of the list and sometimes to the bottom, which made it confusing.
Favorite Genre(s):Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I love city management-type games, and I've enjoyed playing this one through. There are many different types of landscaping, campsites, and entertainment areas (from playgrounds to discos) to choose from, and you have pretty much free rein for where to place your items.
There are several frustrating things with this game. First, the graphics are quite poor, and sometimes make it hard to figure out what's going on. For instance, for some of the caravan or bungalows, it's impossible to see if they're already occupied until you mouse over them, meaning you have to waste time to drag the new visitor's car down then, realize you have no free campsites of that type, and then build a new campsite - by which time, the visitors will probably have left.
I feel, however, that the basic gameplay is pretty fun, and I hope there will be a sequel!
Favorite Genre(s):Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I'm a fan of Burger Shop, and this plays like a poorly thought out clone. The levels are very repetitive, and I didn't find any of the "upgrades" particularly helpful. The storyline seemed interesting, however, it was ruined by the incomprehensible English.
I played for around half an hour before uninstalling the game, and even that felt like twenty minutes too long. If you enjoy the first five minutes of the game, you'll probably like the rest - otherwise, don't bother waiting for it to get better.