Not a bad little game, reminded me of a freaky fantasy island. I kept expecting someone to leap out shouting De plane, De plane! Seriously though, nice mood with an old time movie feel. Great graphics, nice voiceovers, loved the music. Nice HOS scenes, just a little dark, makes it hard for visually challenged people to be able to see all the HO. I surprised myself by playing the whole demo, the time just went by that quick. Still not sure if I would have bought it though, used a coupon code & got it free. I just couldn't make up my mind while I was playing if I really liked it or if it was just ok, kinda went back and forth. Not bad for a free game though. I did like the map feature. I always like it when they include that in a game and you can go from one location to another by clicking on the map, especially if the area to explore is as big as in this game.
This was a decent game. Good graphics, liked the music. Nice HOS, mini-games were fun, though not very challenging. Ok storyline, could have fleshed it out a bit more. All in all, not a bad game.
The only good thing about this game was the title, as it was boring enough to put you to sleep. Very simplistic, no challenge at all. Might be good for kids or people new to HO's. My biggest pet peeve was being unable to change the stupid custom cursor to the system cursor. Custom cursors are stupid, slow, and nonresponsive. I absolutely detest them and that has been the deciding factor in not buying a borderline game for me. It's no big deal to add that under the options Big Fish!
I detested this game. Objects are very tiny and when you zoom in the whole island moves as you move the cursor. The mini games were dreadful. I lasted about ten minutes and when I tried to exit I found there was no way to get back to the menu! I had to use CTRL+ALT+DELETE & end it using the task manager. This was the worst game I have ever played.
I think this was the best one yet. Spooky atmosphere, realistic noises, wonderful graphics! And a built in strategy guide too! Most of the mini-games you can get if you just concentrate, I did have to skip a couple. Make sure you find all the clovers so you can unlock the unlimited HO scenes! And look for ravens to give you hints, though you shouldn't need too many. I finished the game with 30 hints left. Thanks for another awesome game!
No where near as good as the first one. I detest having to click on all the resources. And I, like a lot of people on here, am having a problem with the tasks not getting ticked off even though it says I have what I need. For example, level 55 needs 450 happiness. I have 450 happiness, but it says I still need 30 and it won't let me finish the level. I even used the walkthough & did it the way they said to, and it still would not complete. I just spent a frustrating hour trying to get the level completed. I wish I had not bought this one.
Whoo-hoo, it's back! First one was terrific, this is even better. East game play, puzzles are challenging, the voiceovers are better this time. One tip to people new to this game, make sure you pick up lots of extras. Walk everywhere, instead of clicking on the character to get to them. Once you click on them, you just run straight to them, where if you walk yourself, you can pick stuff up along the way. Tons of fun!
This made a nice break from the more intense HOGs I play. Made by the same company that did Halloween Trick or Treat. I like these every once in awhile when I'm tired and don't want to spend a lot of energy on a game. Nice little mini-games, it does my ego good to be able to solve every game without having to skip one! I will say I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't have a free game code, but it's ok.
I wasn't sure if I was going to like this even after playing the demo. I figured since I was using a coupon code I wasn't really losing anything. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Like other people on here, I wasn't fond of the accents, especially the main character's. The storyline was good, the HO scenes were good, and the puzzles were challenging without being too hard. The hint was a nice touch because it told you where to go next. And just when I thought it was over here came an epilogue, kinda like a collecter's edition, which was awesome. So good value if you bought it, great value for a free game! Overall, I liked it, and would play it again.
Overall, I liked this game. I loved the storyline, kinda spooky & creepy. The puzzles were challenging while not being so hard you never had a chance at solving them. The hint recharged quickly and the strategy guide was very helpful.
The only thing I didn't like was the overall darkness in the hidden object scenes. I have poor eyesight, and it's really difficult for me to pick out a black object hidden in the black background of some the scenes. I ended up using the hint button more than I like to. But overall was a great game, and I hope a sequel is coming soon!