Great little time management game. What drew me in was the story though. Great little mystery. The game itself has enough challenges that doesn't make it too easy and fun. There better be a part 2 coming out soon because there is still more of the story - the mystery didn't really get wrapped up, there is still more to it.
The story is sad yet cute, Ella inherits the hotel she has grown up in and that her family has owned for a long time, only to have an "evil" stepmother try to take it from her. They made a dealt that if Ella can make the hotel into a 2 star hotel rather than a current 1 star, that she would sign the papers and give control of the hotel to Ella. The game play is very simple and easy, great for kids, kind of boring for adults. The items you buy really don't help you through the levels. It's super easy to get 3 stars all the time, and the extra challenges are that challenging. If you are looking for a simple time management game that doesn't require a lot of skill, then this one is for you.
The game has great graphics and I enjoyed the story. The level of challenge wasn't difficult, but none of delicious challenges are very challenging. Great time management game. I will purchase it.
I love time management games, especially ones from the Delicious world, but oh, my goodness, who wrote this story and dialogue? It's atrocious and juvenile. Not what you would expect from this game and company and not what you would expect from the characters. They are obnoxious. If you put the storyline aside the game is great fun time management and great graphics. My advise, skip all the talking and the story.
Of course I purchased this game, it is Delicious Emily and these games are always great in large part because of the story, at least for me. The story draws you in while the game play is fun. This one, however, did not thrill me as much as the others. The story was pretty good but the conclusion was kind of anti-climatic and boring. Emily's daughter, Paige, is in the Christmas Musical, which for some reason Emily's mother, Evelyn is upset about. They go on a quest to meet Santa Claus to get some magic sprinkles so Paige can use it on her costume, as she is the Christmas star and wants to shine and throughout the quest Evelyn tries to get them to turn back. You play the game wondering why is Evelyn so afraid to meet Santa, what is going on, and when you do find out it is like, oh, is that it? The game play was ok, not as challenging as other games. Loved the music, liked the overall graphics and Christmas theme. It's good game, but feels like the designers rushed the development. Still recommend it though.
Delicious: Emily's Message in a Bottle Collector's Edition is a heartwarming stroll through Emily's past as the family seeks the perfect recipe for happiness.
I love these series of games. At first I thought the story was a little boring, but as I continued to play and pay attention to the story it turned out quite sweet, like all the stories of this series. The game play wasn't very challenging however, but still fun, which is my only negative to the game. Still cute graphics, cute story and overall a pretty fun game.
I was bored out of my mind. The music, the graphics, the visual and audio effects, not to mention the actual game play was incredibly boring. I was looking forward to when the demo ran out of time. Don't waste your time on this one. There are better solitaire games out there.
Very basic game, graphics and sound are simple. I love ancient Greece and mythology, so I liked that part. I got all the way up to the chalk, which wasn't very far, and didn't know what to do with it. After trying for several minutes trying to figure it out I gave up. The hint button doesn't help you. Kind of annoying.