A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
Tried to play the entire demo, but did not care for the storyline, graphics, or really anything this game had to offer. I've played them all and this one did not excite me, I really wanted to find something great about it, but it just wasn't there. Sorry.
I love a good HOG and this one is a good one! I read the reviews and tried it out and then I bought it without hesitation! I would highly recommend this game, I have played them all and this one is good!! Play the trial and be prepared to be hooked, that's all I can say. Let the game speak for itself.
Welcome to Top Secret Finders. Your first mission is to save a small town, uncover the truth about a government conspiracy and stop the villain in his tracks!
I needed to use up my free game, so I got this game and hoped for the best. I was happily surprised to find that this game was challenging, entertaining, and beautifully drawn with great HOs. I really enjoyed it and couldn't stop playing it! I highly recommend this game, I am a HOG snob so I'm kind of hard to please, but this one did!! I hope they make so more real soon - GO TOP SECRET FINDERS!
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
I think I must sound like a broken record, but I love the ERS studio games!! This game is no exception. It is not a HOG, but it really doesn't matter to the game. It seems to have a more dark and sinister feel to it than some of the other games which have a more artistic feel. This game is full of ghosts, dilapedated hotels, scary demon ghost dogs etc. Good stuff! I bought the CE version, because I want as much enjoyment from ERS as I can get! Go buy it!!
Loved the first House of 1000 Doors, but I find this one better! I wish I had got the CE but I had a free game so there you go. Great story, graphics, music, games were just challenging enough to keep you entertained. Highly recommend this game if you're a fan of ERS and MCF. You won't be disappointed!
I loved the game. The graphics, music, mini-games, storyline are all to my liking. I found everything just challenging enough to keep me entertained but not bored or confused. I'm a big HOG snob so I'm kinda hard to please but this one was wonderful. I realized the SE ending stopped without letting the player have a complete ending and kind of left you hanging. I can't always afford the CE editions, so I think this one cheated the SE players alittle. I'm glad I bought the CE version for that very reason. Great game!!
I have played every ERS game out there and have loved them all! The reason I gave this particular game only 4 stars is because I just happen to like the past PuppetShows just a little better. I think it's just personal perference in that regard, but I still highly recommend this game and hope they keep this series (and all their other series) coming as fast as they can crank them out!!!
I'm a big ERS studio fan and I can say that this game did not disappoint! If you've played the ERS games, this one is pretty much fits their style of graphics and play. I bought the CE version of this game and was glad I did!! Give it a try, you'll love it!!! When's the next ERS game!??!!
I love this type of HOG, it's got a creepy house, town, cemetary, island, even a small creepy amusement park! Great story line with a really good villian and hero as well. I know these HOG's might seem redundant after awhile, but some of us can't get enough of them! Keep them coming Big Fish! Loved it!
I loved Shiver-The Hitchhiker, but this one I think is better! Love the HOA's and the creepy feel of the game. The game flows along without too much diffiiculty, but still keeps you interested. Love the storyline. Graphics are drawn beautifully and it feels like you are exploring in a beautiful painting. Can't get enough of these types of games (ERS and MCF come to mind). I recommend the CE if you can spend the money, if not just get it!! LOVED IT!!