This used to be an amazing series that I looked forward to playing, but they've lost me after New Beginning, and especially after Message in a Bottle. I agree with the other one and two-star reviewers. They pretty much said it all. It's just not the same anymore. You know what they say - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And it used to be perfect. Emily doesn't look like Emily anymore and the characters have lost their charming personalities.
Sorry, guys, but I'm done unless the classic Emily and cast returns.
Delicious: Emily's Message in a Bottle Collector's Edition is a heartwarming stroll through Emily's past as the family seeks the perfect recipe for happiness.
I'll use the word of a couple other reviewers... depressing.
PostedJune 22, 2019
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
Sad storyline, overall. An old man that lost his memory, people running from each other, Evelyn nearly walking out on Edward, the arguing and bickering of the siblings... and what in the world was with the nonsense of the last episode??? I stopped after the first 2 levels. Just plain bizarre.
I REALLY miss Emily in her usual position; running cozy, warm restaurants. I don't get the game developers' obsession lately with all the outdoor 'restaurants' (even Home Sweet Home was mostly outdoor stuff). It's just not the same feel and the storyline on Message in a Bottle was just plain sad.
And I mean consistent "need to fix an item - search everywhere for parts to fix item - fix item - find another item that needs fixing - search everywhere for parts to fix item - fix item - find another..."
You get the idea. It's very redundant. And as much as I love HO games and coming across the occasional fun puzzle, I didn't like the fact that you couldn't skip the puzzles unless you had enough bugs. And you needed enough bugs to open 3 sets of tips BEFORE you could skip the puzzle. I can't even explain it right because it's just pure silliness.
In fact, at first, I hated it. The money scale off to the side instead of down at the bottom. The text in the speech bubbles being overly huge. Some of the menu items oversized and the food looking unrealistic (compared to other Delicious games)... it just didn't FEEL like a Delicious game. But I've gotten used to it and like the game much better now, but there are still a few things about it that bug me...
Some of the food isn't properly named. Like the "Mackerel Nigiri", for example.... um, people, that's shrimp. The "Pate" looks a whole lot like oysters on the half shell to me. And some of the graphics are a little off, to where customer plates aren't even on the tables, they're hanging off the edge and sometimes even in the customers' laps.
Sound-wise, I love the music. It's not annoying. But there are two things I have to say that I REALLY hate about the new Delicious games -
1) As lame as this is going to sound, I miss the sound of the plates being set down on the tables when Emily serves the food. I'm so sick of the "bing bing, blinkey blinkey" sounds of the coins being tossed across the screen and sent over into the money bar. Makes it sound too much like an arcade game.
For that matter, why does the cleaning of the tables have to sound like someone Windexing car windows? Why did they take away the sound of plates and/or silverware quietly clanking together? When you clean a table off, you hear the sound of plates and silverware (like in the older Delicious games) not the sound of someone using a squeegie on a window.
2) The 'helper' arrows that point at what you're supposed to be doing, as they bounce up and down, are extremely annoying. That's something that has been implemented in the last couple or so Delicious games and I wish they'd quit it. Get rid of those blasted things. Yes I KNOW I'm supposed to combine this with that (yeah, um, I can tell by the picture in the customer order bubble) and I KNOW I'm supposed to be hitting the cash register to check people out.
Really, enough with that. It's intrusive and unnecessary.
But with New Beginning, the feature I like best is choosing menu items and being able to change them up every level, if you so choose. Good move on that one.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
Rather than repeat everything the other reviewers stated negatively about this game, I'll simply say that I agree with them.
Number of customers "lefted"? I'm sure that means the number of customers that walked out, but come on... my son, even at the age of 5, knew better spelling and grammar.
This might be a good game for a child, but if you let your kids play it, please let them know that "lefted" isn't the proper grammar in this particular instance.
This has to be one of the cutest games I've played in a long time. It's relaxing (if you choose relaxed mode, which I always do) it's adorable, the characters are amusing and I love how the characters in the game interact with me personally.
Fix up a rundown farm and have fun doing it. And, just like Gardenscapes, you can choose to have your farm as your screensaver.
The only thing I wish they had done a little differently is include more HO scenes. The match 3 scenes are for making money to purchase items for your farm, but the HO scenes are fun as well and I just wish there were more of them.
I own all of the Dream Day games and absolutely love them. But this one is mini game city, to where it's a bit much. Thankfully you can skip them if you choose.
What I love about it is not only the story, but the interaction, like cooking crepes in the kitchen, hanging banners, fixing the back yard and even making Mint Juleps. But my goodness, the amount of mini games is almost intrusive. Some of them one right after another. I find myself sitting here saying out loud, "OMG, not AGAIN." In my opinion, there are more mini games than hidden object scenes and it becomes irritating after a while, so I have to close the game and come back to it another time.
However, I still love the Dream Day games and wish they'd make even more - only not so many mini games next time.
But I couldn't get past the wailing/screaming customers (apparently a gesture of joy when you seat them/take their order/bring them food) to make me want to buy this.
I love Dash type games, I have every Flo game ever created. With this one I was kind of put off by the server and the cook being animals (assuming the game was made just for kids) but I went ahead and played it anyway. Got used to the animal 'owners' and decided to try and enjoy the game. Which, really, it *is* a cute game. If you're 12 years old.
But the "hee hee hee!" shrieks every time you seat someone, etc, got on my nerves so badly that I had to turn it off.
Yes, I know, you can mute the sound to avoid hearing that. But I don't want to have to mute everything just to get rid of the shrieking.
Same food, over and over and over. Upgrades are few and far between. Workers are WAY too slow. Tired of cleaning the workers' tables when they should be 'programmed' to do it themselves. Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.
I'm not happy with myself right now that I paid money for this game, even if it *was* 20% off. It will probably be tossed into my "tired of this game" folder where it will sit for eternity, unless I'm completely bored out of my skull one day and have nothing better to do.
There's a good amount of interaction. You visit different locations to gather clues, solve puzzles and play HO scenes. But I liked the fact that this game wasn't just HO. The inspector that leads you through the game can be a little annoying at times, yes, but I didn't mind it too much. As for the singing, that only happened at the beginning of each case where you're given an outline about the case itself and an idea of what you're coming up against. If you don't like the singing, all you have to do is turn your volume all the way down during the intros because there is text dialogue as well - you can read the next case without having to listen to somebody bust out into song.
The storyline is great, the graphics are nice and the atmosphere is 19th century London'ish. I wish they'd come out with more of these.