I like this series, and have purchased all the games in the series.
I was enjoying this game until I got to Level 44. I have tried at least 5 times to complete it, with no success.
The problem is that the slot machine takes your coin, but does not deliver an item (presumably the explosive moss that you need to complete the final, goal item).
It's extremely disappointing to have purchased a game, but to be unable to complete it because of a stupid bug like this.
Developers, fix this level - if the developers will not fix it, Big Fish should refund everyone's money, as this game is broken.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
...the last section had too many deal-breakers for me.
The first 2 parts were fun and interesting until I hit the "old west" part of the game. For one thing, I dislike smug, corrupt characters (check!). Secondly, fewer things irritate me more than mini-games that kill you off before you can read the instructions. Yup, this has one of those, right before the final battle. At least I was able to figure that one out and complete it. But then...
...then, there's the final "battle". Dear developers - please, no annoying "draw shapes with the mouse" things that you cannot skip, especially when you have to stay within a track or something. I loathe those beyond anything else, and to finish the last battle, you have to do 5 of them? Nope. I attempted the first shape about 15 times, had quite enough, and noped right out of there. I play games to have fun, not to be frustrated, and this game had ceased to be fun.
At that point, I honestly didn't care if the character died, the world ended, and/or everything collapsed. I was just DONE with this game.
I really liked the first game in this series, and was hoping that this one would be as good as the first. Sadly, not so much.
I played the game several times to try to see the different endings, and on each playthrough the game either abruptly quit, or glitched where I couldn't make one of the choices. Very frustrating.
On top of that, the Achievements didn't work either. I didn't use any hints throughout the game for either HOPs or mini-games, yet it did not give me those achievements. Not a big deal for some players, but really - all the parts of a game should work.
There isn't an option to go back and retrieve collectibles that you missed - always a feature that I appreciate.
The storyline was kind of meh. A bit preachy, slow, and full of psychobabble - and the setup at the beginning with the therapist didn't add much to the game. That part was pretty boring - I would've preferred to just get right into the gameplay.
Getting the best ending in the "Into the Mist" means solving a HO scene in not nearly enough time. I finally managed it, but definitely not on my first playthrough. That felt like a dirty trick.
The ending to the "Deadly Call" scenario felt like the writers ran out of ideas and just tacked on any old thing. What was the relation of the woman in the hospital to the calls? I don't have a clue.
The movie set episode was a bit more fun. I didn't care for the bonus chapter, though; I would rather the Trickster play his tricks on some other character.
I hope the next game will be better, and that this was just a bit of "sophomore slump" for this developer,
I loved this game - so much so that I played it 3x in a row, partly because I didn't get all of the collectible gems the first time through, and partly because I didn't want the game to be over.
It's really more of an interactive puzzle game than a HO game. You have to figure out the puzzles and what to do next. The characters were whimsical and fun, and I really did want to help them all.
My only minor issue was that I finished the game - I wanted another adventure on the Moontrain, right away!
It was so very nice to have something fresh, new and different to play! Please, Big Fish, more like this!
Bravo, Dragonseye, and thank you for making such a fun and enjoyable game!
I have bought, and have played, every Rescue Team game ever made.
The game has been completely re-done, and not necessarily in ways that I like - but it is not a bad game.
This new version took some getting used to. I don't dislike the building your home base and training your people aspects of it. The new graphics are quite lovely, actually.
The thing that most annoys me is having to constantly drag the screen around to get food from the BBQ stands. That worked in the former versions, where you could always see the BBQ stands. But in this version, you have to constantly drag the screen around to see if the BBQ food is ready, which makes me forget where I was in the mission. If the developers' intent is to have a food source available at the outset, then just provide a burger shack and call it a day.
That one minor tweak would have made this a very enjoyable game!
TMs are my absolute favorite games, and this kind is usually my favorite among TMs. Not this time.
I never made it past level 2. I tried that level 4x, and never got 3 stars. The little guys move so slowly and awkwardly, it takes them forever to do anything at all, and when they do do anything, it takes both of them. On top of all that, the music is so dreadful I wanted to stick carrots in my ears to make it stop.
This feels like a TM game from 25 years ago, or a cheap knockoff of a much better game. Best avoided.
Once I figured out its mechanics, I thoroughly enjoyed this game! I pretty much played the main game in a single sitting (I'm on vacation right now!), because I was intrigued by the story and wanted to find out what happened next. I finished the bonus game the next day.
Gameplay was very smooth, with no bugs or glitches. I liked the graphic style of the game as well, and the music was appropriate to the setting and atmosphere.
Kudos to the developer for a really fun experience! More like this, please!
I wanted to like this game. I liked the characters. But really - far too much of the same old, same old. Pull nails out of a thing with a bottle opener. Melt resin with a match. Shove something under a door and poke the key out with a pencil - meanwhile, most people have never seen that kind of door lock in their lifetimes.
But I bought the thing, so I might as well play it. I got close to the end of the bonus chapter when I locked the Bad Guy (tm) in the cabin. I went out and completed the stun gun and came back to the cabin to knock him out - only, I can't do anything, on any screen. Also, the poker & scarf that I used to shut him in the cabin is miraculously still in my inventory.
I exited the game restarted, same result. Then I realized I really didn't care how the bonus chapter ended - I just wanted it to end, Life's too short to play bad, predictable games.
What a waste of money. Domini, at least TRY something new once in awhile.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Arcade & Action, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I enjoyed every minute of this addictive little game.
In the early levels, I thought it was going to be slow and easy - but the difficulty ramped up pretty quickly. I enjoyed the puzzle-solving aspect of the game - having to figure out which way to go, which resources to collect first, which buildings to build and/or upgrade first to be able to get 3 stars on every level. The last 10 levels are difficult, and the last 5 levels are particularly challenging without being frustrating!
I give extra points for the game music, which is pleasant and doesn't drive my husband up the wall (he dislikes a lot of TM game music). Graphics were fine. The game played perfectly for me, with no glitches or sudden crashes, etc.
In all, a fun & enjoyable little game - I hope to see more from this developer!
Take on new time management challenges and help three young archaeologists unearth the mysteries of the past and piece together the story of the brave Xi Niu!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I purchased this game despite all of the negative reviews because TM games are my favorite genre, and I like to support the developers who make them.
The biggest criticism I have of the game is that it could have used a better tutorial at the beginning. The initial gameplay was slow and confusing, and the goals were unclear. When I figured it out (which didn't take that long, really), it was much more enjoyable.
I liked the storyline, and playing in both present-day and past settings. I wanted to know what happened to the woman in the past storyline, and I liked the fact that the women in the present-day storyline were not all identical in abilities or personality.
Gameplay was challenging and varied enough to keep me interested. Some of the minigames were quite difficult, especially on the levels where one of the goals is to attain a certain number of stars in minigames.