I Enjoyed it initially so bought it then i couldn't get any more product slots to unlock and at Boss 5 Dwayne wouldn't complete any tasks . At the 6th boss i lost access to 2 of my 3 products to sell and the hot/cold meters on the products stopped working so i just gave up and uninstalled it.
Read the reviews and tried it then bought after the trial. but every 3 or 4 levels i have my worker go to collect an item and he starts hammering away. And freezes that spot so i can't collect anything and can't upgrade that building either. have to exit the level and sometimes the game to fix. anyway sending a tech report but have decided to uninstall as there are other games that don't have issues.
Get land to build cities with houses, schools, markets, farms and a network of roads to improve the quality of life and the economy of the Roman Empire.
Good once u get used to it and work out the strategy.
I build the production units first for every 10 i build at least 1 prefecture to fight fires and always do the barracks and trade houses or harbours on levels with water access. Building the barracks helps keep the fires down and trade always needed to get money and buy unobtainable resources.
Levels take me about an hour as i like to improve all the roads and build the gardens to make it look pretty and sometimes i demolish stuff and move it for aesthetics.
It is a Risk type game. I learned From watching what the computer did on its turns. I suggest u put the computer on weak and yourself on the strongest possible at the beginning. Even then good luck.
Always try to take a town state as you need 2 towns to get any gold. Get the state with the lighthouse and the wharf to recieve reinforcements unfortunately they seem to be random. Spend your 2 gold asap on protective cavalry to protect against the indians and mexicans and then buy units as soon as u get 3 gold You will need them and even then u may not win.
I enjoyed the attacking fort when you attack a town but its awkward aiming and watching the cover countdown and when your man stood up it wasn't noticable till he died. But I managed to win a few.
I have to admit i gave up during the trial hour
I don't recommend this game.
26of28voted this as helpful.
Puzzle Quest 2
Use your Match 3 expertise to save the peaceful village of Verloren from the evil clutch of the demon Gorgon in Puzzle Quest 2!
Overall rating
4/ 5
14 of 26 found this review helpful
free trial
PostedMay 7, 2012
fromSydney, Australia
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I am going to rate it as I have played it... via the free trial on the windows phone (nokia lumia 800) and from the screen shots it looks the same but bigger.
This was going to be the first game I bought on my phone glad I checked here as I will buy it here. purely and simply because I want it on a bigger screen :D
This one drove me a little insane trying to complete challenges in the time frame. You have to persevere past the first levels which are so easy it fools you into thinking its easy. I admit i almost didn't buy it after the trial but it was a slow month for TM Games and I had a coupon that needed to be used.
Part of the challenge is to time your characters actions including the returning to the house before the next item can be picked up.
Had to stop playing for a bit or i would have thrown my computer out the window for that extra second to get gold.
Great Game for strategy inclined not so great if you just want to run around and grab stuff.