I am not finished the game but had to come here to give a review as I am really enjoying it. YES it isn't a ravenhearst story but we all said that we DIDN'T want a continuation of that story or game play (except for the Rube Godeman(sp) puzzles) It's new story but has clever little references to the Madam Fate and the 13th skull. I really applaud Eipix who have given us another wonderful game.. Others have given adept reviews but I have to say that I just love the graphics, the sounds and wow, the animated characters are AMAZING...their facial expressions...now THAT must have been a lot of work and they are SO convincing .. The story too is really interesting and the revolving rooms a great touch... The HOGS, usually not a fav part of mine, in EIPIX games are sensational. The necessary interaction and the interior puzzles within each hog puzzle make them really fun.... Wonderful. Kudos to Eipix and many many thanks..... Oh and Happy Thanksgiving to all the USA citizens here. :)
I am very glad I chose to purchase this game. Although this culture's history is not completely known to me, I am fascinated by it. We NEED more games like this to educate and broaden people's minds. Fascinating story, excellent and fun puzzles, long long game(am only a part way through) Thanks Eipex; another success...the hard work really shows.
The miracle of the Green Moon, which flourished with plants of all kinds, had lasted for only a few moments. A cataclysm made the Moon lifeless again. Find out why!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I have the first Green Moon game which took me forever to get through. I had to use a walk through but even then, it was challenging, head scratchingly so. This second Green Moon is a pleasure; it makes one work to achieve the goals but isn't insanely hard. This IS an adventure game. There are NO HOGS . Having said that, all adventure gamers need this game; it is a real delight. Plus it has a pretty good hint system; it will gives hints gradually which is infinitely better to being spoon fed(in my opinion anyway) It has great graphics, even a tiny amount of good voice acting which surprised me, as the first Green Moon didn't as far as I remember! Totally recommended!
I normally don't play match 3 games but read the rave reviews when it was offered as the game deal of the day. Wow, it is such a gem(but not little!) More than a repetitive match 3, it has a great story line, voices and variety. Puzzles, quests, building , searching for items and best of all, it has a relaxed mode, which makes it perfect; no pressure! Recommended....
REALLY worth investigating. But only if you like adventure games in their truest sense. No HOGS, no sparkles, and no helpers. All totally fine by me! Wow I feel as though I really used my brain for this game and loved the challenge. Intriguing story and now I really want more....
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Loving it......if more were to come , at THIS level of expertise, I would say, I never want the Ravenhearst saga to end! I have only just arrived at Ravenhearst itself but had to stop to recommend the game.... Worthy indeed of the Mystery Case Files name!!!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Great immersive game. Great graphics, voice acting and story. It is more of an adventure game than a hog, (I have all the other lost lands games and had forgotten how good they were) It is escapist (but that's what one needs, these days) and fun.. Recommended!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word
Current Favorite:
The Silent Age
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
I am certain that many here never played the first two games in the Ravenhearst saga. THIS game is fine but NOT a patch on the first two. The first two Ravenhearst games both topped the chart as far as superior story, continuity, creepy atmosphere and heart pounding excitement...(to say nothing of fun) In "Key to Ravenhearst", I was really keen to play and as I progressed , kept thinking, "once I am in the actual "Ravenhearst castle/manor ", it will start getting interesting, scary and compelling". However this did not happen. I have lost interest in this game. Sad. not recommended.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
I am sad . The one developer that seemed innovative and different has changed and NOT for the better. Many have given great reviews so I will be brief. It's called smoke and mirrors. It means duping the audience into believing that there is substance when quite patently, there is not. sigh. I can only imagine that now there are a lot of novice players amongst the bigfish gamer crowd . That OR the glowing review are all penned by friends of the developer. Whichever ...I personally am disappointed. NOT recommended!
Great game...yes a bit creepy but very much like the old Twilight zone(if you never saw that great old series, look it up...It has humour and scares but nothing gruesome... Very well put together. Oh Madhead games you are my favourite developers....... thanks for an excellent game... :)