Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I liked the look of this one. Spiders add an eek touch. Not the same old same old. BUT..... the thing that put me off was the continuous "I can use something here". Why doesn't it say I need to open this, take this, find more pieces etc. I spent the 30 mins I played it for trying to make out what was missing etc. Irritating! Will recommend because probably good if you don't mind working out what you could do "here"..........
This looked a good idea but it's really poor. Like a HO game for kids. Find an object & use it er oh in the same scene. No challenge at all. Same old ideas. Same old story. Same old....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. You're slipping Big Fish & will lose us old gamers if you don't broaden your horizons.
Oh dear. Just when the CE games were getting better an old chestnut like this appears. Tired theme. Tired challenge. Nasty graphics. Come on BF you can do better!
Great game one of the best yet but why oh why is there no map?! Where is the challenge in spending all that time going room to room to use an item? I have just gone through 16 locations to use something!!!! I know where I have to go so let me jump there! Instructions for puzzles confusing to say the least. Shame.The rest is first rate.