I play TM games almost exclusively and was happy to see something new. It plays like all other TM games, and difficulty is not an issue. It only has 37 levels. There is not much to navigate after you figure out the players and what is needed. It does not offer many different options, pretty much the same on each level after the first few. I did not find it hard to get three stars. Clicking on the "friendly" animals give you points, but there isn't much to do with them. It has cute graphics with the monkeys swinging on vines and running. Sounds are agreeable and fit the story. It is just not very challenging and took me no time to complete that is why I rate it three stars.
Challenging and enjoyable even working through all the glitches in many of the levels, until LEVEL 44! Cannot complete. Guides are awful and of little help. I tried every mode, and every possible way to complete this level repeatedly. I even uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Come on BF play the games through before offering them for sale!. I did receive a credit, but so disappointed, as I play TM games only and there have been few lately.
As a TM player almost exclusively, I added this game now because there are few new TM games (come on Big Fish!). It is very basic with no option for skill level. It runs smooth, and was quick and fun to play, but not challenging at all! The CE offered no guide (but one is not needed it is so easy) and only ten bonus levels that were not too interesting. Great game for a novice.
Yes, it is Alice played in forest. I felt it was missing the depth of other TM games. I was often bored with it. The "extras" of puzzle and "building a house" I could do without. Added nothing to the game. The strategy guide is good and I enjoyed the music. Graphics were a bit basic, and linear. I play TM games almost exclusively and found this one so-so.
Graphics and functionality are great. This series is fun to play. This new game is not much different from the others, and I found it not very challenging on hard mode. I breezed right through not using the guides. I welcomed a new TM game, as they seem to few and far between! Come on, bring more on!!
This is the first time I have played this series, and I found it great fun! I usually play TM games but saw the reviews for this game and decided to give it a try. So glad I did. It was challenging, fun and kept my interest throughout. I highly recommend this game. Will try the other Hero of the Kingdom games now. Thanks for the change of pace and fun!
As a TM player I found this game boring. I play on the expert level and this game did not challenge. Graphics are too cartoonish for me and play left much to be desired. CE was not really worth it. No bonus games.