I like a good challenge. I'm actually quite good at these games. They should NOT be IMPOSSIBLE. This is one of those. Even on the site (I dont think I'm allowed to mention it) that shows video walkthroughs they dont have people achieving 3 stars. I've given up. I don't like playing relaxed mode - I like to get the stars - and if it is REALLY IMPOSSIBLE, or almost impossible, then the game is NOT fun.
After 15 tries, and you are nowhere near, on a lot of the levels, and you know you are pretty good at these games - well, you know the difficulty is set WAY too high. Where do these people get their pleasure off this? They set the first few levels lower (always) so you don't know what you are in for until you start to get to - here - level 7. Then it is very hard to win. I see many people have given up and gone for the relaxed play, or just taken less than 3 stars. I don't like to play that way. I like, after a reasonable amount of play to get the three. I accept a few harder levels that it may take a few days to play. But this game is ridiculous. I've given up, and marked this developer as one to be wary of in the future. It takes all the fun out of playing, which I gave what should be a fun game only 2 stars.
This is just .....confusing and ghoulish. No fun for me.
PostedApril 8, 2016
fromTampa, FL
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management, Adventure
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
You know, I've always loved the phantasmat games. So when I saw that everyone was rating this with such high stars, I thought I would really like this one too. But IMHO, this one is just a mess. I don't get it. The storyline is not clear, and it's rather nasty - I don't want to give any spoilers for those who want to purchase, but it goes rather beyond (for me) the normal haunted house bit. Into the torture creepy thing. You know. And the story is not clear at all - it is the normal detective tricked into the haunted house, but after that it's just not clear at all what it going on. Just sort of an excuse to be creepy as possible. Now I will say the graphics are well done, but in today's market, LOTS of graphics are well done. So I don't get the raves for this. I'm sorry I purchased it. But it is my own fault - I bought it on the strength of the name, without giving it the "test drive" I know I should by now - I am sorry I used my credit here! I'm sure I could have found a game I would have liked better. I'd just say again, "Try before you buy, try before you buy," and give it a GOOD try - go all the way through the demo.
I just loved this. It had class and lovely graphics, and the entire time I played it it brought "Christmas" to me - in a rather Russian way, but of course we know who develops these games. It is all beautiful. The music was lovely, the story sweet, I happen to love cats, and the cuteness of the kids and cats didn't get to me, so's all's well. In fact, I'm so glad to not be dealing with ghouls in shrouds it's just great IMHO.
I happened to love all the cultural references to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the Nutcracker and the Rat King. in fact, I'd love to see one of these where they bring in some more of the Christmas figures from other lands - Father Christmas, Pere Noel, etc. I think it is wonderful to see a little culture in these games - love the classical music. These Christmas games are such a refreshment.
As far as the cuteness overload some complain about, hey it's Christmas, it IS cute, you know elves and sugar plum fairies and stuff. I'd say try it and if the cats at the beginning don't bother you you'll like the game. The puzzles aren't hard but I think that's fine for a game that younger kids may want to play - and some WERE a little harder like the grotto kittens. The level of challenge was not the most difficult but I wasn't looking for that in this game. It was hard enough and what I was looking for in THIS game was atmosphere and THAT this game delivered, in spades. All in all I loved this, and consider this one of the best to come along in a while, and certainly different than 101 others out there.
Thanks so much for something truly beautiful that puts one in the Christmas spirit.
I love these road race games. Played every one. I've been to Viking lands, done rescue teams, spent lots of time maoi or other vague island types in South America and Aztec type scenerios, rescued princesses, was employed by royalty, etc, and this is actually my favorite type of game.
But lately the games have been getting way too hard. The difficulty is set too high. This is the problem, for me, with this game. I hit level 9 and I thought, this is not fun. I played it 10 times and even with the hints and watching walkthroughs (which for me defeats the point) I'll never win it with 3 stars. Well, I probably will but it won't be fun anymore. Rescue Team games, I thought, have the difficulty set well. So do the Adelantado. But it's no fun to be NOT winnable. Harder and Harder is not the point. You should not win the first time, but if it really is not winnable for you, or you have to play every level 25 times, that is not a fun game. At least for me.
So I am deleting this game, Cuteness doesn't matter if you can't win the game. I also deleted Brownies. And now I am on the alert for these overcute superhard games, I won't be sucked into them anymore. Just wanted to put my two cents in - I'm sure there are a lot of others that feel the same way and are wondering if all the raving positive reviews are making them feel crazy. And I AM giving a negative review. I mean, just add on another 3 seconds to let rational players win, instead of making them win by having to employ every trick in the book. Geez.
Love the Clear, Easy to See Graphics and Storyline
PostedOctober 20, 2015
fromTampa, FL
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
It's so nice to get a game where the graphics are so clear and attractive. They are big and clear, yet not cartoonish. You click on something, it's there. Nothing is hard to see or hidden. That is strangely so rare in games nowadays.
It was also strangely at odds with the fact that the mechanics of the game were written so that the interface couldn't be kept on top - it kept hiding itself. So I kept vacillating between - "This game is physically so easy on the eyes and easy to play - great!" (remember - the great consumers of casual games are older folks, disabled folks, and handheld devices) and "This game is so irritating to play with its hiding of the interface (that really isn't the most helpful of interfaces in the world) - rats!". Plus, nowadays we really expect to customize to some extent our game choices - take in or out sparkles, etc.
But I really liked the game. The story was good, had heart, (although it DID start out with the traditional somebody disappears and somebody has to find them). It didn't have the feel of a top notch game but if the developers had only gone that extra few yards and put in that map and journal and stuff, fixed that interface, gave it that interface "shine" it would have been one because the game itself was good.
All in all, I like the game and would like to see more from this developer. I see the stars have leveled out to about 3 1/2 and I think that is too low. When I play 3 1/2 star games they are usually bad and glitchy. This is not. This is a good game, and does not have glitches. It just needed a touch more to give it the polish of a first rate game. And I liked the pathos of the story, instead, of the usual just evil creepy stuff that comes out of the more popular HOG developer everyone plays that I shall not name here. I won't put in a spoiler, but I liked the ending - yes, it could have been drawn out, but it was more than just kill the evil guy.
Let me encourage the developer. Do more. I liked this. Thank you.
An excellent example of a game that shows how good it can be it the developers spend time in planning a good game as opposed to throwing a lot of bling at you. This seems like an old fashioned FROG, but it is so well done you can't stop playing. Everything keeps you interested with just the right level of challenge - nothing is really too hard to find, yet nothing is too easy - it's just a great game. It's wonderful to find something different. I kept thinking, am I back in 2011? But this game is so good!! I finally stopped playing because it was 4 am and I had to get up in the am. Each level is nicely intricate and clear. I was happily surprised - I highly recommend this little gem.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I really liked this game. Loved the intro, with the live actors (thumbs up for the Tintin shirt) and music - so different from the usual Victorian art - and the story was fun and cool. The game itself was great, the puzzles good, I really liked it. Now the bad parts - so many glitches! I would have NEVER found that starfish without the hint on the forum board - having to change the cursor because the game cursor can't reach it is NOT a good thing. And the english is really, really bad. The little girl actor could use a few lessons also. - sorry little girl. Game could be a little longer also, but the flow was good. All in all, I liked the game. Buy it with a special, try before you buy. Loved the beginning. Kudos to whomever thought that up. That was totally different.
I recommend this game!
5of5voted this as helpful.
Subliminal Realms: The Masterpiece Collector's Edition
Albert's worst nightmare becomes reality when a creature from his grim paintings kidnaps his family. What does she want?
Overall rating
5/ 5
9 of 9 found this review helpful
Worth the CE
PostedJuly 20, 2015
fromTampa, FL
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Subliminal Realms: The Masterpiece Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This was different, and worth the CE price, at least for me. It was not the usual. First of all, I always love coloring book puzzles. :) But I'm not much of a morphing object hunting person, so I never buy the CEs for THAT reason. I always look for a good bonus game, or something else special. This had great interactive puzzles, a good storyline, good mapping, and I really liked the helping creature (he was a little different from the ultracute creature they usually come up with - really just beautiful artwork). The game itself is nice and long, has good mapping and hint system, and I think it is one of the best games to come out in a while. I've played a lot of these and this one is truly one of the best.
But I really LIKE the secret game at the end. I find I am keeping the game on my desktop and find myself going back to it. It is a card game you play with the computer where you have to win by strategy and topping points. There are very few HOGs that I do that with, this is one of them. Bravo, developers!
Different - Excellent Storyline, Graphics - Give a try!
PostedMarch 14, 2015
fromTampa, FL
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
At first glance I thought this the usual HOG but it was different - while it was gothic, set in 19th century, it was not the usual offering I've seen here. The graphics were marvelous, a cut above and the music also I'd say had a little something extra. What really kept me involved was a quality story. I love a good story; how many "My daughter has been kidnapped and a death monster is out to destroy the world" games can you play?
Well this one is a reworking of the Frankenstein story with a little heart and I really enjoyed it; a little morality twist at the end and I enjoyed that. Also the HOGs themselves were quite good. I really like an interactive HOG and this game had good ones and loaded with them.
Now the bad news. The rest of the game was running back and forth with unimaginative puzzles of simply getting multiple, similar pieces and putting them in place. Also I found the interface confusing; it took me a while to realize I had to unlock it because half the time objects were UNDERNEATH controls and couldn't be gotten unless they were unlocked. The map was confusing to me. If these problems had been resolved, this would have been a six star game for me. I would have liked to have given it a 4 and 1/2 but BF doesn't work that way. As always, Try before you buy. And kudos for the wonderful graphics and story.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I really liked this one. It isn't one of the higher end developers, but I always like what they turn out, and it had what SO many of the major games lack - a coherent, interesting story. Yes, it does entail a supernatural spirit, but less of the evil, ghoulish horror story that most of these HOGs have and more of a suspense story. I found it interesting and a fun change, and a little lighter. I'm SO tired of dark horrific monsters from other worlds breaking through and stealing children and killing everyone with some poor burdened hysterical mom chasing after them! This actually had a storyline. I recommend!