This is outstanding from many viewpoints, so if you haven't seen this one and you like classic HOG, give it a shot. It is unique in that, even though you visit each "room" many times, the objects are in different places, so you have to start the hunt from scratch. Some of the music is really good. One of the tunes pulls me back to the game again and again. There is an overarching story, but it's not intrusive, and does not slow the game. I wish there were more of this quality. I have played dozens of HOGs over the years and this is my all-time favorite. Sequels were not as good.
This is as pure as you get with the HOG games. I much prefer this kind of HOG, along with some of the other straightforward series like Mystery PI and Vacation Quest. I really don't like the games that are more problem-solving and less HOG, like RTR. I get enough problem solving at work. I always buy the Big City Adventure games. You don't get bogged down with trying to collect stuff from other screens. The story line... what story line? Who needs them? I really hope this series continues. As other reviewers have said, they are infinitely re-playable, relaxing, calming,