I’m about an hour into the game. I have played all of the MCF games. This game is enjoyable but it is very similar to all the other adventure/hidden object games out there. Some of the puzzles are unique and fun, but overall, this game is like most others on the market. I don’t understand the rave reviews.
This was so much fun to play! I really love Delicious games, so I enjoyed the format and really liked the film setting. I played through on expert mode (which was really a challenge!). Overall, it's a very well done, extremely fun time management game.
I don't often review games - I usually just use everyone else's opinions for guidance! This game was good, so well made, interesting, and fun to play, that I wanted to add my thumbs up to the many that the game has already received.
What I loved: I like graphics that are more realistic; this game was right up my alley. The music was awesome and subtle changes help create a mood that shifts with the game. This is one of the few games where I didn't skip dialogue. The story line was unique and compelling and I really wanted to know what was happening. Finally, I loved the creep factor. It's not just candles and skulls that are supposed to make this one creepy, it's how everything in the game combines to give you feeling that something really wrong is happening. This little feeling kept me interested and intrigued.
Overall, this is the best game I have played in a long, long time (and I like games!). It is worth the time and credits!
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you’ve got to find the shards before they do…
I was uncertain about this game initially - I've played (and loved) all of the HE series, but was not a fan of the last two installments (Devil's Triangle and Uncharted Islands) so a new HE was not an automatic buy for me. I am thrilled to find that HE is back and better than ever!
This installment is bright, beautiful, has an air of adventure and takes place in the "real world", as in Everest or Amazon (as opposed to the "fantasy" type genre of the last two games).
I LOVE the puzzles and the varied modes of hidden object scenes.
This game also succeeds in proving that a game can have a feeling of mystery without including the witches, curses, and demons that are all too common lately.
The extras - morphing objects, symbols to locate, and fact cards - just add to an already excellent game.
If you were on the fence about series, definitely give this one a try - you'll love it!
Everyone is frightened by the sights and sounds of something large stumbling through the darkness. Can you solve the mystery before the monster adds another chapter to this legend?
I loved this game! I have played many (~15) of the Nancy Drew games and this has to be one of my favorites. In my experience with Nancy Drew games, whether I really "get into" the game often has to do with how interested I am in the environment, subject matter, and location. If you're interested in Germany, castles, or folklore, you'll enjoy this edition. My other favorites included Phantom of Venice and the Haunting of Castle Malloy - if you're a veteran Sassy Detective who liked either of those games, you'll enjoy playing this one as well.
Loved the characters, loved the castle and grounds, the minigames, and "the monster". Lots of sleuthing fun!
I recommend this game!
2of3voted this as helpful.
Reality Show: Fatal Shot Collector's Edition
After a man is murdered on a hit reality TV show, you are called in to uncover the truth behind the crime.
This games was only average. I found the storyline a bit confusing - which is kind of unforgiveable with a game that's all action (no HOS). In this game, I felt like I was just matching pieces to what they could be used for (ie wrench/bolts, key/box) rather than actually moving forward with the story.
I also skipped half of the mini-games either because I couldn't understand the instructions or because the mechanics were clunky and S..L..O..W.
All in all, it's only an average game. If you're interested, wait for the SE.
This game is so much fun! The puzzles are different, fun to solve, and not extremely difficult (which is a plus, because I was ready to move on to the next part of the story). This game has great scenery and artwork, perfectly matched spooky music, and an innovative "villain". It also features a map, so you can jump from place to place, and you use objects you find fairly close to where you find them (I like this because I can never remember which room had the chest with the tiny key or had the door with the amulet slot). I also enjoyed the "charging" of the crystals.
It you're looking for a game that is fun and beautiful, interesting and charming, but not exceedingly difficult, and a story that is a little different from the usual ghost/demon/stolen soul fare, you should definitely give this one a chance.
This is a great game! The landscapes and "worlds" are awesome, the puzzles are refreshing and fun, and the story line is new and compelling. Beautifully done game that is great fun to play!
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
Wow! What a welcome relief from games recently dominated by haunted mansions and saving souls.
The immersive atmosphere and intriguing story line draw you in immediately. The cut scenes, music, and art are excellent. The interactive hidden object scenes are innovative and captivating.
The puzzles are fun and relevant, although they won't be that challenging to die hard puzzle fans. As a casual gamer, enticed by the storyline, I enjoyed solving the puzzles so I could get to the next part of the story.
I really like this game! It's an "assembly line" game, but there are new additions that keep the game fun. You are assigned little "quests" to do, and there's a competition where you compete to design your pieces the fastest. It's very cute, and the new additions - powerups, repeaters, quests and the like - keep the gameplay fresh.
Overall, I recommend it to fans of this type of game.