This game was fun but I didn't like not having a map to jump around. The puzzles were challenging and I even needed to use the hint a couple times. The story was a little off the wall but the length was excellent as a standard game. It was nice to play a game without having to pay the CE price. I would recommend this game.
I didn't care for this game much because it was so far fetched which made it unbelievable.The graphics etc were good but even though it had a map I didn't feel like it helped a lot.It seems that the games coming out lately have a poor story and are either so far past reality or they are filled with a lot of horror.The puzzles were good but seemed kind of easy.I don't feel it was worth the CE price and wish I had waited for the standard edition.This is just my opinion but after I played the demo I thought it would get better and it didn't.
I really enjoyed this game since it didn't have a lot of horror in it and it was based on a normal feeling.Some of the games lately are so far out of reality that I don't enjoy them but this was really great.It had good graphics, a good story line,and a map to jump around where you needed to do things.This was worth the money and I do recommend.
I really enjoy these games because they are a mixture of puzzles and still challenging.Having the map is great to bounce around with plus if you do get stuck it sometimes helps.I'm so tired of vampires and murderers so these games are a nice change with the fantasy realm.I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to play for fun.
I liked the game it had puzzles(some too easy),HOG's and a lot of moving to different areas.The story was pretty good and it also surprised me who was causing the problems.I tried the CE but didn't buy because I didn't feel it was worth double and I'm glad I didn't.The regular game was good enough and I don't like the wallpapers,etc.You didn't need the SG in the game and if I was really stuck I just went to the walkthrough.It was a good length also.Not my favorite game but worth the 6.99.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
I didn't care for this game like I loved the previous MCF games.I really hated the included strategy guide as I didn't feel that it explained anything in detail and didn't help me at all.I bought the CE to have the strategy guide but I was totally disappointed.I have not finished the game but I'm going to delete until the regular game comes out because the walkthrough I feel will help me much more, at least I hope.