I was very happy to see an new M3 game as it's one of my favorite genres. I have most of the JewelMatch games from the great developer (Suricate Software) and I do loved the sparkling jewels....up to a point. In fact, if this latest game had been all jewels I likely wouldn't have purchased it as it would be too similar to the many others I own. I love nature! I also love the creatures and flowers etc. that nature provides . So, this game is, I think, going to be my all time favorite from the JEWELMATCH series. (okay, I do love the others but I'm very very happy with these new 'tiles' )
As for the game play and the graphics, flawless and awesome! I take my hat off to this dev for incorporating a range and style for every M3 fan out there!!! Moves, timed, untimed, casual etc.etc. They truly covered every need. Another feature I was happy to see was the ability to turn off tutorial and hints at any point. So far I have found the tutorial GREAT. It explains things clearly and concisely.
My review (which are very few and far between) is NOT based on the entire game. However, I was confident enough with what I played and saw to come that I know I am safe with the review above. I purchased it after I played enough to know it was for me
I'm sure other reviewers will be adding to the list and will go into more detail than I have. ( I thank them for all the great reviews over the years!) ~~~Mysti
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I think this could have been a very enjoyable and different HOGA game! Lot's of choices in the menu which was a good sign but it didn't flow at all ! To find items (with no help from the hint.....no map, no anything) made it more frustration than anything. As the other reviewer stated. "A lot of going around".....getting nowhere I found. So, although a story that had great potential, mystic etc. etc. I didn't even manage to get the stove lit. My first bad review but ........that's just the way I found it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I reviewed the first game (Twisted Lands: Shadow Town) and recently replayed it before I delved into this sequel. No, it's not necessary but personally I would HIGHLY recommend playing them in order as it's like a good book that continues. I saw a number of people found it confusing but perhaps INSOMNIAC will answer a lot of questions. One thing I found enjoyable was reading the ...........of people, which pulled 'it' altogether in many ways. Great graphics and all the other positive things people said in their reviews so I won't repeat all that. Despite having no map, the 'hints' .......arrows will quide you when lost. I have NO sense of direction so that was great. I highly recommend this game (and....if I'm allowed to .......Recommend playing the first "Shadow Town" Sure hope there's another in the making!!???
I had forgotten I bought and played this game a long while back until recently seeing the sequel.....How did I miss it??!!!!(duh) I have Insomnia.....the sequel but haven't played yet. I did a refresher with Shadow Town and was reminded how incredible this game was!! I'm anxious to play the sequel. Hopefully the graphics (very crisp, clear and draw one in) The hint is great if you lose direction which can happen in this game as there is a lot of going around the island etc. I really cannot find fault in this game in anyway. I've moved away from pure HOG , love the adventure, story and puzzles with HOs tossed in.
The reason for my review title is because as I read the reviews, I almost didn't try the game but something made me linger......look and linger till I did download, played 45 mins. and then bought it!! I can't tell anyone about the "Arcade bonus" as it's locked until the game is completed.
Yes, it is HO ...BUT.....I really enjoyed the variety of formats they used throughout the game. Hence....not boring. Being far from a newbie I would recommend this game as a nice change, cute story, little extras that it offers . One example is "the shadow of the item in HO scene" Another is it gives you the choice of which object you want to find. I've only completed a few puzzles but enjoyed them. Your reviews are correct in that it isn't a "strain on the little grey cells" but sometimes a break is nice!!
One point I do want to reiterate, is to try a game for yourself. I do agree that the reviews are very helpful but games like a lot of things are personal preference/choice....etc.
I'll not repeat but just wanted to add that I found this an incredible game, fantastic graphics/special effects. Many surprises and a nice twist in the HOS. A very "user friendly" game as it would appeal to all levels. (I can't help but wonder what I missed by not buying the CE :( ahhhh...live and learn.
I , personally, found that the game got better and better as it went along!! Initially in the first 15 or so mins. I thought......nahhhhh. BOY am I glad I didn't listen to myself. Many games, it can be the opposite.....start off great, get you hooked and then go downhill. NOT SO with this one.
I do hope more games like this one are 'in the making'! Great day to all you fishies~~~
Treasure Seekers.......All 4 in the series are GREAT
PostedMarch 10, 2012
fromNova Scotia , Canada
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Marble Popper, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
The first one I bought I was hooked! I love how in each game they are the same people in various stages of life and the story lines are always appropriate and follow a ..........I best not say more as I wouldn't want to spoil anything. What I can say though is that unlike some sequels , we can be disappointed. (kind of like movie sequels sometimes) The first one is great, we can't wait and hope for a #2..........etc. With the TREASURE SEEKERS series (I have all 4) each one was a great follow up. I think this is one DD that is sooooooooooo worth the price and then some! :) Enjoy all ~~~
I agree with both reviews that I read. The graphics are good and the HO scenes are very clear. If I was a pure HO game seeker, I would definitely choose this one. For me though, I don't like continual hidden object scenes which is just my own preference. :) I do think those of you who do love the HO games, this is a buy! I would have given it more stars if I was only rating it as HO game.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
I, like many of the reviewers was soooooooooo disappointed in this game! "Ravenhearst" immediately made me think "Oh Good, another in the series" and I was excited, until I played the test version. I had hoped that the creators would have received enough "No Morhps" in the reviews that they might have changed that part. Alas, another disappointment. I, like many of you would have bought it if only it hadn't changed .