I decided to try out this game after playing the other interpol games (not sure if this is really related) but I did not expect it to be so different. It is basically an investigation game in which one must determine the identity of the killer by adding up all the clues gathered whilst searching about a dozen scenes for hidden objects but as the game boasts there are some 4000 combintions and I am prepared to accept that. Of course it is not so simple and although I was mostly correct in my investigations I did get it wrong once or twice and so failed.
After playing the 60-minute try-out I was hooked. This game reminded me of one of my favourite early childhood games from the 90's - 'where in the world is Carmen Sandiago?' only a hidden object adaptation. That itself was an interpol game but quite primitive. I will add that in some of the scenes there are a number of objects that at times can be almost frustrating to locate but not to the point of ruining the game and so presented a challenge.
It is a nice game to play from time to time as each investigation is a new experience and I have not yet seen all the characters as both vitcim and killer.
I liked the idea of searching the greatest ship of all time and this game provided me with the opportunity to do so. The aquatic and maritime environments were very vividly and imaginatively created and the pulsing soundtrack helped tie the whole under-water feel together. Not an especially tough game but with hours of fun game play and some difficult-to-find objects I would certainly play this game again in future.
This was the game that got me hooked on HOGs back in 2008 when there was a trial version pre-installed on my new laptop. I tried it out and the rest is history.
Having since played many HOGs I now truly believe that this is a very well balanced HO game with attractive scenes and quite often very-well-hidden objects and when set against the clock it really does present a challenge. The soundtrack was good and set just the right tone. Although repetitive scene jumping does occur I would play a new level each day or a few hours apart and hence did not mind.
As it introduced me to the world of Big Fish and HOGs thanks largely to its great game play, I would recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
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The Nightshift Code
A Hidden Object adventure that embarks on a mysterious and sometimes dangerous journey in search of a lost treasure.
As there seem to be no reviews yet I would like to be the first to say that I absolutely loved this game. The story line was interesting and gripping and formed a very solid backbone for this HO game that took me by surprise as I had not played the prequel, though I later realised it is of no import to do so.
Without going into detail this game will take you across the globe together with the story characters, it will pit you against fun and challenging yet logical puzzles and will satisfy you with many attractive scenes with a calm soundtrack. I also felt the game was just the right length as in my experience some games are unnecessarily prolonged through repetivite scene jumping, but this I did not mind when it occasionally occurred because it is such a fun game.
After having played Interpol 2, which I rather liked, I decided that I would probably like this game. However, despite the pleasing graphics and a good soundtrack together with sometimes difficult-to-find hidden objects I soon found myself becoming a little bored when each new level in the game was simply a different combination of previous scenes with the occasional new scene thrown in and ultimately this repetitiveness left me knowing the locations of most items, in turn making the game less challenging as a result. After going over the same ground again and again I wanted nothing more than for the game to end instead of being prolonged in that way.
I would not say that this was a bad game, simply rather repetitive though a stronger background story could have helped but sadly it was rather weak.
I would recommend Interpol 2 over this first game though if you were to play it every other day then I guess it is an OK game.
As a non-stop backpacker I rather enjoy any hidden object games with a travel theme and so I was instantly attracted to this game. For anyone who feels like taking a journey through Europe and at the same time enjoying a little classic hidden object gameplay in beautiful scenes then this game I can recommend.
A mysterious fortune teller has foreseen her demise at midnight this very day. Can you find the soul who seeks to kill Madame Fate? You be the detective.
What can I say? I bought my first few HOG's back in 2008 and this was one of them. Still I find that at least once a year I return to this unforgettable member of the Mystery case file series. I loved the carnival theme and the whole sinister feel of the soundtrack and plot. After having played several dozen HOG's this is relatively speaking quite challenging, but this is a quality I look for in HOG's. I would strongly recommend this game.